Miserable 4 days in hospital

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Rang 111 to ask what my options are , they were very critical of the service and suggested official complaint , also gave some advice about how to proceed so will be on the phone in the morning .
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So if you need treatment on the NHS because you have indulged heavily in tobacco or alcohol or other drugs, is that OK?
Not on about treatment,,,anyone is entitled to treatment,,,i am on about taking responsibility for your own health,,what you put in your body
Rang 111 to ask what my options are , they were very critical of the service and suggested official complaint , also gave some advice about how to proceed so will be on the phone in the morning .
Ah, sounds promising. Yeah, think they need a kick up the ar.se. Good luck, hope get some help soon!
Yep, daft I know but where do you draw the line? Alcoholism is considered a disease by many , drug addicts are exactly that. Some researchers have also compared obese people to drug addicts, part of the brain are stimulated when they eat, the same as druggies with their fix. Being judgemental or thinking it's just a simple case of lifestyle choice doesn't help when things have gone that far...
No body is judging anyone..8month pregnant,,smoking outside a and e? ..."lifestyle choice"..."Fekin give ower man"as they say around here...Its just utter cretinous stupidity.
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Yep, daft I know but where do you draw the line? Alcoholism is considered a disease by many , drug addicts are exactly that. Some researchers have also compared obese people to drug addicts, part of the brain are stimulated when they eat, the same as druggies with their fix. Being judgemental or thinking it's just a simple case of lifestyle choice doesn't help when things have gone that far...
And you making endless excuses for everyone in society does not help either
And you making endless excuses for everyone in society does not help either
When you learn to read and understand what a person is writing before telling them incorrectly what they are doing or mean, I may, may just carry on with the dialogue.

Not on about treatment,,,anyone is entitled to treatment,,,i am on about taking responsibility for your own health,,what you put in your body
OK this is totally off topic but I can't hold it in any longer. Why do you use double commas so often? (Honest question)
OK this is totally off topic but I can't hold it in any longer. Why do you use double commas so often? (Honest question)
If ever you get an answer, and feel like you're on a roll, see if you can find out about transam's Smiley Tourettes.
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