Miserable 4 days in hospital

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So if you need treatment on the NHS because you have indulged heavily in tobacco or alcohol or other drugs, is that OK?
Luckily it's not up to me to play god on people's lives. Is it ok to punish people, let them die painfully because they were stupid?
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Smoking, drinking or over-eating is a lifestyle choice. I don't blame the NHS for being strict on people who continually refuse to heed advice and stubbornly continue to make their health care more difficult and costly.
Having children is a lifestyle choice... so should we blame parents too when (one of the many) little ones takes a tumble on the dangerous trampoline parents bought him/her in the garden? We all know trampolines can be dangerous, and it's been reported enough that accidents are on the increase.

Yep, daft I know but where do you draw the line? Alcoholism is considered a disease by many , drug addicts are exactly that. Some researchers have also compared obese people to drug addicts, part of the brain are stimulated when they eat, the same as druggies with their fix. Being judgemental or thinking it's just a simple case of lifestyle choice doesn't help when things have gone that far...
Beer, taxed. Tobacco, taxed. Earnings, taxed. Diesel, taxed. I pay for it, why shouldn't I be entitled to it just like anyone else?

I have to wonder, I've heard people suggest people who drink/smoke shouldn't be entitled to the same level of care but drive a car. Pollutants are just as harmful.
Funnily enough many of those that live a 'virtuous' life contribute less than those who don't, and yet they're quite happy to rely on the NHS when their genetic code gives them cancer or dementia whilst a higher taxed 'non virtuous' person may not end up being such a burden...

In fact historically smokers have got a better annuity deal because they are expected not to live as long!

Going down the route of discrimination in healthcare only ends up with everyone being penalised for all eventualities!
Well week 3 and still have stitches in , no appmt from hospital, rang them everyday last week.
Got a call from my GP to confirm they would arrange physio, but they were not told I’d had an operation.? The mysteries of the NHS.
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Well week 3 and still have stitches in , no appmt from hospital, rang them everyday last week.
Got a call from my GP to confirm they would arrange physio, but they were not told I’d had an operation.? The mysteries of the NHS.
It's actually quite bad to have stitches in for more than about 10-14 days. I'd get yourself down to the hospital...
The OP is waiting for an appoint letter that will never come.

They would/should have told him to book a GP appointment X days after the op.
There's a place a bit like that near me.

Went there once, and I remember thinking "Blimey - all this needs is a few beds and it would be what used to be called a cottage hospital."
GP just advised to keep calling hospital , surgeon had stated I should have follow up appmt so he can check wound, x ray and confirm no further action required.
GP just advised to keep calling hospital , surgeon had stated I should have follow up appmt so he can check wound, x ray and confirm no further action required.
Who you calling? Is it the surgeon's secretary? I agree with Kingandy that you probably will never get your appointment. Not without you really hassling them and that's always been my experience of hospitals and docs as it's too easy to slip through the net. Keeping quiet gets you nowhere.
Leaving it all too long can cause problems - stitches and if you're not healing correctly or broken bones in right place. Am sure you're fed up with not being as mobile either! Best of luck anyway.
Who you calling? Is it the surgeon's secretary? I agree with Kingandy that you probably will never get your appointment. Not without you really hassling them and that's always been my experience of hospitals and docs as it's too easy to slip through the net. Keeping quiet gets you nowhere.
Leaving it all too long can cause problems - stitches and if you're not healing correctly or broken bones in right place. Am sure you're fed up with not being as mobile either! Best of luck .

Can only contact secretary no other option , might just remove sutures myself, easy enough.
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