monkey pox all of a sudden

  • Thread starter Deleted member 292770
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Monkey pox was sort of predicted. After WW1 and then Spanish Flu, we had the "roaring twenties" which was noted for a rise is STDs. Monkey Pox is spread quickest by intimate contact, ie, shagging. It is happening because a lot of people are making up for lost time.

Tip; don't turn out the lights before undressing a new partner, just in case!
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Course it is.

Classic case of an anti-vaxxer (Katie Hopkins) forgetting that most people got a vaccine. That might explain why they were not so fussed about mixing together - they were all vaccinated. But at the time, the vaccines were still rolling out to the rest of the population, and many elderly and unwell people were still at grave risk.

It is amazing how conveniently forgetful some people can be sometimes.
Still no real new news on this.
"Sequencing of the virus in laboratories is occurring, and we should know within days whether the virus has changed."
(only brief shotgun sequence in Portugal so far)

Grauniad says "A substantial proportion of cases are among men who have sex with men (MSM)."
I always thought that meant Main Stream Media. Ah.
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Yes, because you and millions of others wore masks, took furlough money, took test kits, took vaccines and all the other costly madness. Where else do you think the money for these came from?
Can you provide a comparison with the UK doing nothing and letting the bodies pile high.

let’s see your analysis of the economic damage in that scenario.