monkey pox all of a sudden

  • Thread starter Deleted member 292770
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Well of course, nobody said otherwise.
Qualitatively it has many similarities. Look that up?
The virologists think it shouldn't be compared with covid as well. Obviously there will be a temptation to do that.
Pox in the lungs maybe? That would be more like covid. Or as with smallpox pox bursting in places that flood peoples system with virus.

It's yet to persist in any country that doesn't normally have it around. It seems there are currently 80 people in total with it in these countries. Mention of genitalia seems to be new. Can women catch it as well? ;) Heterosexual licking type activities might figure in either direction. Also penetration.

Didn't one of the links I posted mention several people in the same house? Also 2 hospitals that are treating people for it. That sort of area split fits in the airport problem with diseases. People arrive somewhere and if they don't remain there they then go to some other larger population area. I'm assuming people with it aren't being bussed around the country to specific treatment areas.

One factor that was mentioned is that it isn't usually an urban disease. Natural immunity can be attained. Higher levels were it occurs more often. A another reason why it may spread more here. Perhaps even help it get here.

Must admit I do think speculation is pointless at the moment Time will tell. One of the reasons for it being mentioned is to rule out people and GP's thinking it's something else. I also suspect there has never been enough of it around in the west to fully get to grips with how it can spread. Fever and glands seem to be the earliest signs.

Anyway it's another example of how easily things can spread into the west. I also suspect that it shows we have no way of knowing recent arrivals from different countries over a period of time. Interesting news on Nigeria. Hospitals in a mess and a mass exit of doctors due to currency devaluation resulting in low pay. That may well influence spread there.

LOL One thing they wont want to do is scare us. That may be worth worrying about at the moment.
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Whoops - count in England now up to 50 odd. More infections or more aware of what they have.? First one in Scotland.
So petrol and bread have gone up in price because I wore a facemask in shops?
Yes, because you and millions of others wore masks, took furlough money, took test kits, took vaccines and all the other costly madness. Where else do you think the money for these came from?
Where else do you think the money for these came from?

It isn't "where it came from" but "was it necessary" that is important. And yes, I think it was necessary, the proof is in the pudding.
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The virologists think it shouldn't be compared with covid as well.
Piffle. You've got yourself into one of your straw-man incoherent rambles again! You keep saying it's not the same as covid as though others are saying it is.

Of course it's natural, useful and relavant to compare one virus with another we've just had, to point out the similarities and differences. That's what "the virologists" are doing.

MP this time is appearing in a lot of countries at nearly the same time, which isn't what we saw before, quite recently. There's a host of reasons why that might be - obviously including that it might be a slightly different version - and it isn't "speculation" to consider those and take note of what is known and what is found.
Yes, because you and millions of others wore masks, took furlough money, took test kits, took vaccines and all the other costly madness. Where else do you think the money for these came from?
its best if you stay indoors Andy you dont want to get Monkey pox
MP now up to 71. More transmissive or different circumstances? There is unlikely to be much of the vaccine around. They are still mentioning close contact. No reasons given for that.

Biggest risk of serious problems. Immune compromised and far more worrying the young - as usual with MP or so they say.

Covid did kill some in very young age groups but extremely rarely.
Yes, because you and millions of others wore masks, took furlough money, took test kits, took vaccines and all the other costly madness. Where else do you think the money for these came from?

Nothing to do with fuel prices.
That's about the best advice for not getting the pox. :)

The way I heard it, this being the lesser virus and nothing like the pictures shown in the media, this was spread from a gay concert somewhere in europe, it has nothing specific to gay men as it cannot tell the difference - it just happened to spread by touch (not through the air/droplets like covid).

We'll be fine, just do as above and don't bum monkeys and stock up on bananas just in case. :)
Well after a great deal of consideration and research I have concluded that this monkey pox


Came from monkeys
LOL Where it may have come from rodents. Or maybe the other way round. Or ?????????????????????
Iif it came from rodents it would be called a rodent pox

Def monkeys imo

And def from foreigners
It isn't "where it came from" but "was it necessary" that is important. And yes, I think it was necessary, the proof is in the pudding.

You did (what you believed was) the right thing at the time, but did you never consider the cost and how it was going to be paid for at all?

Which leads me back to my original question - how much would prices have to rise before you start to think the government are doing harm? I presume you use petrol (or diesel), and we are heading for £2 a gallon. How does £5 a gallon sound? What about £5 for a loaf of bread?

Pretty soon you would be broke. During covid, many businesses went broke and many people lost their jobs, whilst their money and assets were transferred to random billionaire parasites.
The great distraction of 2022. get the dumass public debating whether Boz was partying or not . When the real question should be How, at 2pm daily they were literally telling us we were going to die . 5pm they were drinking wine , shagging each other and partying.
You’ll be fine though you got your vaccines .
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