monkey pox all of a sudden

  • Thread starter Deleted member 292770
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As you might know viruses can incorporate a host of nucleotide differences which may or may not affect the pathology. Significance may of course come to light later.
I prefer to here an interview rather than some reporters version of it aimed at selling newspaper or getting clicks on web sites as those will interpret to suite.
There is nothing wrong with that sentence but the virologist they interviewed on the BBC is also likely to be aware of the effects it's having on the few who have caught it here. Virus do have minor changes but generally they usually have the same effect on people. Covid is a new virus. Rather different.

Anyway time will tell. The links I posted suggest it's not that infective between people under normal circumstances especially if it can take 21 days to show symptoms. Main problem with the links is a rather small group of people. So far we haven't heard what are the common factors about people with it here.
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I wasn't quoting any reporter. You don't want to be doing that.
I used the Institute of Health who sequenced it, and similar.

Virus do have minor changes but generally they usually have the same effect on people.

Didn't learn much from covid variants, then? Variants showing somewhat similar effect, very different outcomes. Relevant. Compare the eta or theta or kappa with delta variant.

MP can take just 2-3 days to show symptoms, or much longer, or never show symptoms.

Yes, obviously we know it's not very transmissible, so far.
But compare the spread of the episode I cited with what we have now.
I see covid as being different so far anyway. With monkeypox it's too early to tell so currently speculation. Covid isn't ;) for most of us anyway. The current version is still killing people and causing them to finish up on mechanical ventilation. There is a high degree of antibodies in the population. 2 types, jab and natural. Treatments have improved. One brand of jab proved to be less effective against the current variant. Antibody retention not so good as well. If it had been the current variation at day one know one has a clue what it would do. Things have changed too much. It's been noticed that death rates where higher when the NHS was treating maximum numbers.

So monkeypox. Bigger pox, more of them, higher temperature ??????. It will produce pox as covid will attack lungs. My son had mumps even after having his MMR jab. Temperature skyrocketed. A characteristic of my son or a more potent virus. Chances are if he hadn't had the jab it might have killed him. It was still mumps though.

Smallpox is the same type of virus. This mentions factors that make it lethal.
Monkeypox is rather different - so far

What UKHSA have to say about it
Those patients needing medical care are all in specialist infectious disease units at the Royal Free Hosptial, Royal Victoria Infirmary in Newcastle upon Tyne and Guys’ and St Thomas’. The individuals have the West African clade of the virus, which is mild compared to the Central African clade.

The first case they noticed
The patient has a recent travel history from Nigeria, which is where they are believed to have contracted the infection, before travelling to the UK.

From what I have read I do suspect close contact with an infected person is not a good idea. How close and under what circumstances is the main question. It could be that 40+ who have had the smallpox jab don't notice they have it. It appears it can get in via mouth, nose and eyes etc so could get out that way. :) Mouth and nose anyway but avoid drying peoples eyes who happen to be crying.

The homosexual aspects - a group that do tend to congregate in certain areas, B'ham used to have a pub famous for that. May still be. Then there are clubs and even areas in some cases now. How many people have been to Nigeria recently? If Boris has set up something effective I would have thought they might look at that. :) It's Boris though.
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The UK is asking people who have contact with some one who has it to isolate for 21 days. There seems to be talk of ring vaccination via contact tracing. As that's a bit horse may have bolted I suppose it helps but ..........................................

Mortality rates for this one, (wiki) 1%. Immune suppressed and children mentioned as being at risk of a more serious infection.

There is some doubt about infection levels in rodents or etc in the UK.

From a virologist on the BBC.
The good news according to some expert I watched on tv on the Jeremy Vine show this morning

He stated that those that have had the 'smallpox vaccine' should not get this MP thing.

The expert also cited that the virus could be spread via airborne particles but I do't think he added to that or I was not listening
as multi-tasking. From what I've read the "airborne particles" have to be large whatever that means.

Bit more - monkeypox your questions. If you get swollen glands in the neck isolate despite the fact that infectiousness relates to when the pox appears. Also the homosexual aspects played down - any sort of close contact.
From what I've read the "airborne particles" have to be large whatever that means.
It appears that for a virus it's rather large but all virus are miniscule so I'd disregard that comment completely.
You and people like you are a disgrace to your ancestors . The people who fought and died for the freedoms you fail to value. The people like you who bury your heads in the sand , bow down and ingest the propaganda you are fed like your very existence depends on it. The propaganda fed to you by the most corrupt, evil criminals in society who masquerade as your elected leaders and saviours. One day you will awaken to the fact that your entire existence was based on the lies and fear instilled in you. Your child like naivety makes me me want to vomit in my own mouth.
I'm going to say it again, even if there are threads of truth in your assertions, exactly what do you expect the average person to do about it? You know, the average person that's already quite busy working, bringing up a family, juggling 101 other things. What are they to do?

And I'll say this again, what exactly are you proposing the current political/governmental system is replaced with? What utopian system do you have in mind that will be devoid of greed, corruption and a desire for power?


emmm, now what?
And I'll say this again, what exactly are you proposing the current political/governmental system is replaced with?
Maybe this
Anarchism is a political philosophy and movement that is sceptical of authority and rejects all involuntary, coercive forms of hierarchy. Anarchism calls for the abolition of the state, which it holds to be unnecessary, undesirable, and harmful.

A lawless society in effect which is an impossible situation that can't last. Human nature ensures it wont.

Democracy though. It has it's flaws. One of them is influences outside of the government that they can do little about. A silly example. Corporation tax cut so companies will flood in. They didn't.

Electoral promises that don't work out - that can lead to a lack of trust and people not even being prepared to vote.

Power corrupts - well it shows up now and again. It doesn't just apply to politicians.

LOL Needing to get elected is an interesting one. China does something to cure some problem or the other - often rather extreme. It might even be more effective than other options including the usual democratic persuasion method. Those may actually be comp;ete and utter guff or far too simplistic - also usually put over in a very simplistic fashion.
Just read this and I agree with the UN

It's not homophobic to say a main transmission route is prevalent with gay men, as borne out by reported contacts so far.

I see covid as being different so far anyway.
Well of course, nobody said otherwise.
Qualitatively it has many similarities. Look that up?

The expert also cited that the virus could be spread via airborne particles but I do't think he added to that or I was not listening
as multi-tasking. From what I've read the "airborne particles" have to be large whatever that means.
Fair enough. The point is, that mp isn't primarily a respiratory disease, though it is systemic (throughout). So you'd have to either get a globule big enough for a pathogenic sample, or, the particle has to have a mote of infected skin/scab/body fluid. It's another lipid encapsulated virus so it can "survive" a for a while before it gets too dry and becomes inactive. For the "fomite" route, skin will do it, I would guess more likely than spit.

Handwashing will be a good idea if anyone's worried. At one case per several million...
Maybe this
Anarchism is a political philosophy and movement that is sceptical of authority and rejects all involuntary, coercive forms of hierarchy. Anarchism calls for the abolition of the state, which it holds to be unnecessary, undesirable, and harmful.
I'm sure the replacement system would be simply wonderful. No greed. No desire for power. No corruption. Everything much more efficient. Everyone happy with the decisions being taken by ... emmm ... exactly who would be taking the decisions? And how would they be held accountable?

Don't you get it? The flaw is US. The human. Give me one, just one, country where it's been demonstrated beyond all doubt that the high majority of its citizens are genuinely happy with almost all aspects of their country in terms of the way it's governed, the taxes they pay etc etc.
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