Morbid obese people

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There could be many reasons why people could be fat, or obese, we shouldn’t judge them, but generally most obsese people complain they are fat, while they are scoffing cake. I heard that some doctors, are subscribing park runs, and free gym sessions and even walks.

No I think you'll find 99% of them are fat Lazy fs. Unless considerably older but then they die because your body doesn't like you being a FLF for too long.
I befriended a chap when I was much younger because he was interesting and his house always smelt great on sunday lunchtimes. I went for dinner once I needed crampons to get to the top of my roast dinner. He was about 16 and about 17stone his sis and mon n dad more. Lovely chap but portion control was already off the scale thanks to mum. The start of a slippery slope to a world of diseases.
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easy to calc

In defence of the fatties, there is still a 20% variable between two people which over an adult life could make quite a difference to how much you put on. For people who think they are genetically prone to being fat, there is some evidence that this is true, but only in so much as some people are more genetically predisposed to food addiction. i.e. their brain triggers more happy endorphins when they eat, so they get a bigger high from it.
some people are more genetically predisposed to food addiction. i.e. their brain triggers more happy endorphins when they eat, so they get a bigger high from it.

I agree when I likened it to other addictions...
There is the fact that whilst alcohol and fags are discouraged, food is not.
Food is sold to us in a mostly unrestricted provocative way. The worst part (for fatties) being the unavoidable smell of cooking. Who can honestly say that they have not been tempted by the smell of bacon sizzling or the smell of garlic roasting in a pan, when walking near to restaurants/cafés etc.

Very difficult to avoid food.
Can we get started on smokers too? My wife is currently on life support in hospital and I see loads of people in their hospital PJs dragging their drip or catheter outside so they can fill their lungs full of poison. Ungrateful tw@ts. The NHS tries to help them and they try and undo all that hard work.
Oh my so sorry bud hope she pulls through.

Yep same saw this the other day outside oncology unit down my way I was in disbelief the patient outside in gown saline drip and smoking a fag... unless I guess they had just been giving some really bad news..all the same a shocker to see. They too should pay more on NHS.
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Tell you what, let's not allow anyone to use the NHS if;

Drink booze.
Like dangerous sports or any sports such as skiing.
Speeding in their car/bike.
Injury by stupidity.
Take drugs.
In prison.

Only treat those who are perfect and have no flaws. That'll save a few bob!

Where does the judgement stop?
Can we get started on smokers too? My wife is currently on life support in hospital and I see loads of people in their hospital PJs dragging their drip or catheter outside so they can fill their lungs full of poison. Ungrateful tw@ts. The NHS tries to help them and they try and undo all that hard work.

As a one time smoker, who started before the effects were well known - I can sympathise, but do think they ought to have enough backbone to give up. I never thought I would be able to give them up so easily, but I just decided one day enough was enough and stopped. I didn't missed them, I just felt a new freedom from the urge to sneak out for a ciggy, or get off a bus or train to have a quick drag.

I'm very anti-smoking now.
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