More deaths in the channel.

They do receive government grants and the coastguard which is also involved in rescue is government funded.

In france and many other European countries the rescue services are funded in a similar way to the RAC. You pay an insurance and it covers the rescue. You can easily get a bill for 10-20k in Greece for example if you need a rescue.
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Would you prefer they didn't respond to calls from the channel?
As we know from sources other than the rnli press office, the taxi service is costing them a lot of money that they cannot afford.

All the time they deliver rescue services for those crossing from france, free of charge, the french coastal authorities will continue to call on them.
In france and many other European countries the rescue services are funded in a similar way to the RAC. You pay an insurance and it covers the rescue. You can easily get a bill for 10-20k in Greece for example if you need a rescue.
Holy sh!!!
What do they do if you can't pay; throw you back in the sea?
They claim your boat. International rules of salvage apply. RNLI have the same rights, they choose not to claim. apparently they only once claimed salvage on a motor “yacht” where the rescued parties sued them for getting muck on their clothes.

That is a hearsay story though, I’ve no source.
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I didn’t say we did but we can do if we deduct/divert some of the money we pay to the French.
The RNLI prides itself on being a non taxpayer subsidised service...

A service that relies on the good will of others, and thus doesn't tend to get involved in corruption/fraud as regards public money!

And they make no political judgements as to which lives have a greater/lesser value...

They will simply do the best they can under any given circumstances, and that is how it should be!
They do receive government grants and the coastguard which is also involved in rescue is government funded.

In france ...
" The SNSM (the French equivalent of the RNLI) is principally funded by legacies and donations with all lifeboat crew members being unpaid volunteers. Financial resources come 80% from private generosity and 20% from public help."
They do receive government grants and the coastguard which is also involved in rescue is government funded.

In france and many other European countries the rescue services are funded in a similar way to the RAC. You pay an insurance and it covers the rescue. You can easily get a bill for 10-20k in Greece for example if you need a rescue.
As is the equivalent in France
"The Maritime Gendarmerie (French: Gendarmerie maritime) is a component of the French National Gendarmerie under operational control of the chief of staff of the French Navy."

The Coastguard Service of the French Customs is a civil administration in charge of the surveillance and protection of the maritime border of France

I assume the monitoing of vessels at sea within the territorial waters, and their safety is almost a legal requirement for governments.
When seafarers require rescue, I assume the state passes that to the RNLI or SNSM
As we know from sources other than the rnli press office, the taxi service is costing them a lot of money that they cannot afford.

All the time they deliver rescue services for those crossing from france, free of charge, the french coastal authorities will continue to call on them.
So how can they afford to keep rescuing people in the Thames?

The busiest area. Doubt it's travellers from France
As we know from sources other than the rnli press office, the taxi service is costing them a lot of money that they cannot afford.
Taxi's don't need to accept hires. Do you think they should stop responding to calls from the channel?

Why don't the government stop them being a taxi service?
As is the equivalent in France
"The Maritime Gendarmerie (French: Gendarmerie maritime) is a component of the French National Gendarmerie under operational control of the chief of staff of the French Navy."

The Coastguard Service of the French Customs is a civil administration in charge of the surveillance and protection of the maritime border of France

I assume the monitoing of vessels at sea within the territorial waters, and their safety is almost a legal requirement for governments.
When seafarers require rescue, I assume the state passes that to the RNLI or SNSM
Not really.

I suspect however if they didn’t exist, governments would do the job as a maritime policing/ emergency service rescuing function.

If the fire brigade were a charity originally then we’d not have a fire service.
So how can they afford to keep rescuing people in the Thames?

The busiest area. Doubt it's travellers from France
What makes you conclude that? It’s easy to track the vessels and see that they are mostly off the coast of Dover
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