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If they do, I'm fooged if I can see them.....
You're still missing or avoiding the point.
You claimed that you already said something.
When I asked you where you'd already said what you claimed, you referred to the post with your claim, not to the post that you were asked for.

Yet you were able to see the numbers, the one that you said was a typo.
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The adherents to a particular "culture". As I have said before.
I said that adherents are themselves the divisive ones.
Please show me where you said that adherents to a culture are divisive.

I'm not ; I've shown you at least twice. You just keep going round in circles, denying it and repeating your request.
It's you that's going round in circles. You made several references to you supposedly saying that, "it's adherents that are divisive." This was a supposed explanation as to why you think I am divisive. yet you later state that I have never said, implied or suggested that I am an adherent.
When pushed you claim that this comment reproduced below is you saying that, "adherents are divisive".
People identify with a group, and logically identify as being NOT of other groups.

And other than baseless allegations, you've still not explained why you think as you do, and you are unable to justify your comment.
Your wordplay doesn't make it or you any less divisive, Himmy.
Glad you think that participating in a forum is sooooo important , that anyone might be hurt by being told that they're "out of their depth" (y)
You might think it's perfectly OK to make unsubstantiated allegations on a forum, and you have no need to explain or justify your comment, and that it's of no importance.
But for me, any comments made on a forum should be exactly as acceptable as if they were said face-to-face.
Your wordplay doesn't make it or you any less divisive, Himmy.
And, as I've told you before, I didn't say that ; you made that up, all by yourself.
Then try explaining why you think I am divisive. Because so far you've consistently avoided trying.
Instead of worthless general allegations, do try to be specific and provide some evidence to support your allegation.

Carry on, get yourself banned again.
Banned for inviting you to justify your comment?
Meanwhile you are allowed to continue making grotesque and baseless allegations without even attempting to provide a smidgeon of evidence.

If you claim that I've been banned before, please explain why I have been banned previously.
If you think I have been banned before, please explain why you think I have not been banned again immediately I signed up.
If you claim that I've been banned before, please explain why I have been banned previously.

I'm not a mod, you could ask them.
Probably your long - winded, repetitive posting (it's a bit of a giveaway) (y)

If you think I have been banned before, please explain why you think I have not been banned again immediately I signed up.

Like I said, I'm not a mod.
As such, I wouldn't know if a number of your previous incarnations were banned very soon after you created them but , from the ones we have all spotted, you were left to hang tiredly for a while, before the mods eventually tired of you.
I'm not a mod, you could ask them.
Probably your long - winded, repetitive posting (it's a bit of a giveaway) (y)
You made the baseless allegations, so I'm asking you.
You're avoiding giving an explanation again.
It's patently deceitful to make allegations, then avoid justifying them and suggest I seek explanation elsewhere.
I'll try again, why do you think I've been banned?

Like I said, I'm not a mod.
Perhaps you could stop trying to impersonate one then, threatening me with being banned.

As such, I wouldn't know if a number of your previous incarnations were banned very soon after you created them but , from the ones we have all spotted, you were left to hang tiredly for a while, before the mods eventually tired of you.
You persist in these allegations, in the full knowledge that your allegations are unverifiable, yet you make the allegation anyway.
Have you been taking lessons from Trump? It sure looks like it. You're mirroring his behaviour of repetitive baseless and unverifiable allegations.
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