More racism

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Precisely and exquisitely reinforces what I said. If anyone chooses to ignore or forsake their culture or religion they risk pariah status.
Yet you appear to suggest that it is easy, and of little consequence for people to do so.

I didn't say it was either easy or hard; I said that adherents are themselves the divisive ones.
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Or do you think all of our futures are fixed at (or even before) birth? Or even "written in the stars"?

I think you've taken leave of your senses to think that this peculiar question has any bearing on our current discussion.

Very relevant, given that you are suggesting (even so far as stating) that people have no free will to do as they may wish.

You honestly believe people can choose their ethnicity. That unmarried mothers in RoI could choose their religion and their culture?

They still have a choice. Even if they choose not to exercise it.
Very relevant, given that you are suggesting (even so far as stating) that people have no free will to do as they may wish.
Due to coercion, not due to not exercising their free will.

They still have a choice. Even if they choose not to exercise it.
Sure they can choose pariah status, death, torture, punishment, etc, i.e choosing not to belong to any group, which is contrary to our gregarious nature.
I didn't say it was either easy or hard; I said that adherents are themselves the divisive ones.
So now we fully agree that there are many different culture, religions, etc. How do explain that recognising that fact is divisive?
Surely, now that you recognise that there are many cultures, etc, you are equally divisive.

Please show me where you said that adherents to a culture are divisive.
Then, if you think I have said, suggested or implied that I am an adherent to any culture, please show me.
Let me remind you what you said:
Your wordplay doesn't make it or you any less divisive, Himmy.
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Post number 151
I didn't say it was either easy or hard; I said that adherents are themselves the divisive ones.
Post number 154, where I referred tpo your claim in post number 151.'
Please show me where you said that adherents to a culture are divisive.
In my first quote, in your post #154.
You're going round in circles Brigadier. Maybe you haven't realised it yet.
You claimed in post number 151, that you'd already said that adherents are themselves the divisive ones, And I asked you, in post 154 where you had said that.
You now claim that you said it in post number 154.
You're either illiterate, innumerate or you're trying to cover your ass, not very successfully, I might add.
Show me where you said that adherents are the divisive ones prior to when your referred to saying it.
Otherwise just accept that you made it up.
Then, if you think I have said, suggested or implied that I am an adherent to any culture, please show me.
I haven't, haven't, and haven't;
So please explain how you arrived at this conclusion:
Your wordplay doesn't make it or you any less divisive, Himmy.
If you can't, and you haven't yet despite all your swiveling, at least have the decency to admit that you were just spouting nonsense.
If you can't, and you haven't yet despite all your swiveling, at least have the decency to admit that you were just spouting nonsense

While we're talking of decency, you're proving my point quite nicely.
You have none.
You just revel in divisiveness, and go out of your way to incite it.
You see racism where none exists.
You have been doing it for years, across your numerous incarnations.
It is the common thread that draws you back here, like a moth to a flame.
And as for founding an entire ad hominem attack on a single character typo...... well, that speaks volumes of your character.
You just revel in divisiveness, and go out of your way to incite it.
This is the second time you've made that allegation. Both times the are bland statements without explanation.

You see racism where none exists.
Show me an example. There must be loads for you to chose from, based on your allegations.

You have been doing it for years, across your numerous incarnations.
Supposition based on your suspicions. Any proof of another of your baseless allegations?

And as for founding an entire ad hominem attack on a single character typo......
You mean the typo that you claimed you'd referred previously to something, and as proof you refer to the very post claiming you had already referred to something. You're still going round in circles. Have you realised it yet?

And finally, you've reverted to baseless allegations because you've been exposed for making ludicrous statements which you can't explain.
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