More racism

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Hey Bobby, please try and keep off that slippery slope this time.

Racism is your soapbox topic and it seems to send you into a mad frenzy, each time resulting in a ban.

Try and stick to a non decisive Brexit for example :ROFLMAO:
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4 instead of 1.
You're making a huge fuss over a simple mistake.
You're still not realising your cyclical mistake.
You claimed in Post numer 151, that you'd already said that it is adherents that are divisive.
Here it is reproduced:
I didn't say it was either easy or hard; I said that adherents are themselves the divisive ones.
So I asked you where did you say this. in post number 154, quoted here:
Please show me where you said that adherents to a culture are divisive.
In response you claimed that you'd said it post number 154, which you now claim it was a typo, and you meant post number 151.
In my first quote, in your post #154.

But post 151 was when you claimed you'd already said that it was adherents that are divisive.
Clearly brigadier, you're out of your depth. All you have left is insults, and bluster.

You're suggesting that I'm concerned about you making a typo.
You're way out, because I'm asking you when did you say that it was adherents that are divisive, as you claimed in post 151.

Just admit it, you didn't it was a silly made-up comment to try to avoid explaining why you think I am divisive. Which you still keep avoiding.[/QUOTE]
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Racism is your soapbox topic and it seems to send you into a mad frenzy, each time resulting in a ban.
You're suggesting that posters that confront racism are banned?
Yet posters that have, say, Brexit as their soapbox, or stalk other posters around the forum repeatedly reminding them of previous posts, are not banned. Or posters that repeatedly resort to racist comments, well they're OK? They're considered perfectly acceptable?
Wow. I wonder how long I'll last.
A lot shorter than the racists, the Brexit obsessed posters, or the stalkers by your reckoning.
To someone with such a high opinion of their intellect as yourself, it should be plainly obvious.
For someone who makes blatant false and baseless allegations, you would think that they'd be able to explain themselves. But obviously you're incapable of explaining the rationale for their comments.
May I suggest a username for the unfortunate next incarnation - "Ialwaysmissthepoint"
Kindly explain which point you think I have missed.
Was it the one where you posted an image captured from a video on youtube, suggesting that people are being fined for throwing snowballs, when quite evidently there is no snow in view.
Or was that a point that you missed, even though you added your opinion to the supposed claim about snowballs.
Glad you think that participating in a forum is sooooo important , that anyone might be hurt by being told that they're "out of their depth" (y)
You're still unable to explain why or how you think I am divisive.
Nor where you first said that it is adherents that are divisive, (don't say post 151, that was where you made the claim!), or where you think I am considered to be an adherent.
You're still unable to explain why or how you think I am divisive

I've already done so, but you don't accept it .

You revel in racism ; it gives you a raison d'etre.
You see racism where none exists.
You accuse others just to stir up the opportunity to up your post count .

You've been banned numerous times for this before, yet you continue with the behaviours that get you banned.
And you convince yourself that you're the victim, each and every time.

There : you can have any number of other responses now. It'll occupy you for a while, and you'll love every minute of it(y)
Clearly Brigadier, you're quite comfortable making baseless and false allegations without being able to explain yourself, or to justify your comments.
And now you add a ludicrous excuse that you can't see the post numbers. :LOL::LOL:
They appear on my phone!


If they do, I'm fooged if I can see them.....
I've already done so, but you don't accept it .

You revel in racism ; it gives you a raison d'etre.
You see racism where none exists.
You accuse others just to stir up the opportunity to up your post count .

You've been banned numerous times for this before, yet you continue with the behaviours that get you banned.
And you convince yourself that you're the victim, each and every time.

There : you can have any number of other responses now. It'll occupy you for a while, and you'll love every minute of it(y)
And I've already asked you for proof of your allegations.
Absolutely nothing is forthcoming yet, just repeated allegations.
And as just mentioned, you're very adept at making baseless and unwarranted allegations without explaining yourself or justifying your comments.

And you also think that if someone confronts racism, they are banned, repeatedly, apparently.
Whereas the racists, the persistent, repetitive racist are allowed to remain.
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