More Rubbish From Johnson

That also means that there is rising inequality.

Yes there is rising inequality and it needs to be addressed, I suspect wheels are in motion already and I for one would love to have been a fly on the wall during the last few G7 or G20 meetings.
Austerity obviously hasn't helped.
Quantitative Easing, check out exactly who gains the most from that little caper.

Time we had Land Value Tax then. Cut taxes in income.

Alternatively we could leave the EU and people with vast amounts of land will stop receiving vast amounts of money from the EU. It's a win win for both of us.
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That also means that there is rising inequality.

Yes there is rising inequality and it needs to be addressed, I suspect wheels are in motion already and I for one would love to have been a fly on the wall during the last few G7 or G20 meetings.
Austerity obviously hasn't helped.
Quantitative Easing, check out exactly who gains the most from that little caper.

Time we had Land Value Tax then. Cut taxes in income.

Alternatively we could leave the EU and people with vast amounts of land will stop receiving vast amounts of money from the EU. It's a win win for both of us.
silly ryler like to throw in the Daily Express suggestion that people who don't want to pay their fair share will flee the country

Your own rag is publishing the same....

Many have the contracts drawn up. Just waiting for the election result.
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the idea of naming a country is too much for ryler.

He knows he made a silly claim that he cannot justify.

silly ryler.

The question is:
Which imaginary country does ryler think these tax-dodgers will be better off in?

he can't think of one.
Alternatively we could leave the EU and people with vast amounts of land will stop receiving vast amounts of money from the EU. It's a win win for both of us.

Thats not an argument against LVT or for Brexit as the Government has said it will pay Land owners / Farmers some sort of stipend.
silly ryler like to throw in the Daily Express suggestion that people who don't want to pay their fair share will flee the country.

Good riddance!

But he is unable to say where this imaginary country is, where they can escape paying taxes.

It's Narnia, ryler.

It's anywhere and everywhere, USA, Israel, Ireland, Monaco. People with vast amounts of money will have had a plan in place for several years now and there are no shortage of safe havens for their bucks, where their kids can get a good school and the whole family can enjoy the finer things in life.
The name of this imaginary country isn't Narnia John, it's a place called 'offshore', and it's far from imaginary.
People with vast amounts of money

Oh, you mean billionaire tax-dodgers like Phillip and Tina Green.

So now, answer MY question:

Tell me what country you think well-paid plumbers, bankers and IT consultants are going to move to, where they think they can ply their trade, earn well, and pay less tax?

Or, in the case of billionaire Russian gangsters, a country which has an honest police force; not much chance of being kidnapped for ransom or assassinated; courts that are not corrupt; a government that will not imprison them or seize their money; luxury houses; world-class opera and theatre; expensive restaurants, top couturiers and art galleries for their wives and mistresses; international schools and universities for their children; and fire services and public health that will protect them from danger? And won't try to make them contribute to the upkeep of public services?
It's all part of the misinformation and brainwashing culture.

Poorer people campaigning for fairer taxation is called the politics of envy, and
richer people campaigning for fairer taxation are called champagne socialists.

The trickle down theory is a debunked idea that still has legs because low information voters are easy to manipulate. I just explained why the notion it would mean people would leave is just wrong.
the idea of naming a country is too much for ryler.

He knows he made a silly claim that he cannot justify.

silly ryler.

The question is:
Which imaginary country does ryler think these tax-dodgers will be better off in?

he can't think of one.

The steptoe supporters cannot answer the question.
Just offer up smoke and mirrors and more questions.
The politics of envy and hate prevails.
It's anywhere and everywhere, USA, Israel, Ireland, Monaco. People with vast amounts of money will have had a plan in place for several years now and there are no shortage of safe havens for their bucks, where their kids can get a good school and the whole family can enjoy the finer things in life.
The name of this imaginary country isn't Narnia John, it's a place called 'offshore', and it's far from imaginary.

If they can go offshore they would have done so by now. The changes to their marginal rates of tax would not tip them over. So let them leave.
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