More Rubbish From Johnson

Who do you think should be running for PM from the three parties then?
Doesn't matter ; they're all puppets for those behind them.
The controlling minds of the main two need to be changed, before I could vote in good conscience.
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Doesn't matter ; they're all puppets for those behind them.
The controlling minds of the main two need to be changed, before I could vote in good conscience.

both leaders are chasing a populist vote, yet neither really represent the people.......
Good job we have you to support the scratters then!
I dont support either of the current leaders.

It is a shame so many people are so easily is why populism is bad for democracy. It leads to nationalism which knocks on the door of facism.

But it will blow over. Stupidity doesnt reign forever.
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I dont support either of the current leaders.

It is a shame so many people are so easily is why populism is bad for democracy. It leads to nationalism which knocks on the door of facism.

But it will blow over. Stupidity doesnt reign forever.

But it's damage lasts.
TBF, I don't think I have ever said those things to you!
Tbf...I never said you did!...was a joke!..not aimed at you and I do apologise for any offence I caused.
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