More Rubbish From Johnson

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Try getting a £100k business loan vs £100k mortgage
There’s a reason for that. The mortgage is secured on a property whereas a business loan can go on rent, wages, insurance, utilities and other stuff that has no value if the loan isn’t repaid.
Ryler believes in trickle down economics.

So explain how driving the wealthy (who already pay the largest share of income tax) from our shores is going to help the poor?
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LABOUR’S election manifesto means they will take the things you love from your home and sell them to raise money. Here’s an item-by-item guide.

Five per cent public sector pay rise, paid for by taking YOUR SOFA Nurses, doctors, teachers and social workers will get more money, at the cost of you having nowhere to sit. They’ll be laughing it up while you and your wife squat miserably on upturned crates, the pattern cutting into your buttocks.

Tuition fees abolished, paid for by taking YOUR KETTLE It’s a free ride for students and no more hot drinks for you. Instead of settling down with a steaming cuppa, you’ll be sipping a cold Vimto on a freezing night while they go to Ibiza foam parties and pass ridiculous motions about everyone being transsexual. And you’re paying.

Nationalising the railways, paid for by taking YOUR CAR You’ll be trudging to work through six miles of rain and mud while they speed past on trains, laughing at you, throwing peanuts and shouting ‘dance, monkey’. And you’ve still got to make all the remaining car payments.

Free full-fibre broadband, paid for by taking ALL YOUR CLOTHES Crofters on the Isle of Skye will be able to stream the new Coldplay album, watch Netflix and masturbate to high-definition pornography. But you? Shivering in a corner and going to the office in thin coverings you’ve fashioned yourself from staples and bin bags.

Care for the elderly, paid for by taking YOUR PRECIOUS SENTIMENTAL TRINKETS Grandfather’s watch. Mother’s jewellery. A photo album of your uncle’s Navy years, worth nothing financially but the world to you. Do you want Momentum thugs to kick down your door and take the lot? Because that’s what will happen if you vote Labour.
So explain how driving the wealthy (who already pay the largest share of income tax) from our shores is going to help the poor?

That 27% is 6.75% of all the tax receipts.

That also means that there is rising inequality.

Time we had Land Value Tax then. Cut taxes in income.
So explain how driving the wealthy from our shores

that's an amusing old canard.

Tell me what country you think well-paid plumbers, bankers and IT consultants are going to move to, where they think they can ply their trade, earn well, and pay less tax?

Or, in the case of billionaire Russian gangsters, a country which has an honest police force; not much chance of being kidnapped for ransom or assassinated; courts that are not corrupt; a government that will not imprison them or seize their money; luxury houses; world-class opera and theatre; expensive restaurants, top couturiers and art galleries for their wives and mistresses; international schools and universities for their children; and fire services and public health that will protect them from danger? And won't try to make them contribute to the upkeep of public services?
The steptoe supporters cannot answer the question.
Just offer up smoke and mirrors and more questions.
The politics of envy and hate prevails.
So explain how driving the wealthy (who already pay the largest share of income tax) from our shores is going to help the poor?

Define who is wealthy?

Where do these wealthy earn their income? If they are skilled and talented they can ply their trade eslwhere then they can leave to a lower tax haven right now.

So your argument is they will just leave and go where? If they are able to be tax resident in a low tax region and earn their income in the UK but not be taxed in the Uk then they were not contributing anyway.

You really don't think thing through do you.
silly ryler cannot engage in an adult discussion and hopes to speak to members of a TV fan club


He's on the wrong forum

Silly ryler.
It's all part of the misinformation and brainwashing culture.

Poorer people campaigning for fairer taxation is called the politics of envy, and
richer people campaigning for fairer taxation are called champagne socialists.
silly ryler like to throw in the Daily Express suggestion that people who don't want to pay their fair share will flee the country.

Good riddance!

But he is unable to say where this imaginary country is, where they can escape paying taxes.

It's Narnia, ryler.
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