My Girls School

  • Thread starter Deleted member 294929
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I can't remember where I first heard this or from who, but it has stuck in my head over the years & helped form my attitude to both property developement & re-developement.

Back in the old days civic buildings were mostly architecturally stunning & built to last, this is mainly because the civic leaders cared about the people. These days our civic buildings are drab grey box's & built to the minimum of cost & standards, this is mainly because our civic leaders don't care about the people !
Good news, the education minister has said the majority of schools aren't affected by raac. So we can ignore those that are, on an I'm alright jack basis. Sounds like brexhit, though to be fair keegan voted remain. Hope your daughters school is sorted in the not too distant future bod.


Me eldest who's got 3 years left won't have a normal school experience again (I don't think) but they will both deal with it and in some ways it's a lesson in life in how to adapt when things don't go according to plan. So we will turn a negative into a positive.

Thank you
Not rotten from top to bottom then? Just the top?

Your obviously not in the building industry Roy.

I see the shocking workmanship far to often. Be it be in someone's private home or to newly build flats to New schools. It's rotten the core.
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Your obviously not in the building industry Roy.

I see the shocking workmanship far to often. Be it be in someone's private home or to newly build flats to New schools. It's rotten the core.
I see it slightly differently. More a poor management cost cutting profiteering problem than anything.
I see it slightly differently. More a poor management cost cutting profiteering problem than anything.

At the top yes. W
decades of weakening building regulations

Would you consider this:
Poor workmanship?
Poor design
Poorly managed
All the above or OK ‍

This is all new work .
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That's not your girl's school. It's someone's house.
It could be the work of a hamfisted DIYer
It's not representative of the building industry.
Is this the work of an independent builder, or of various workers.

Who was in charge of it in other words?

Independent builder who subcontracts the work out to the different trade's
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That's not your girl's school. It's someone's house.
It could be the work of a hamfisted DIYer
It's not representative of the building industry.

My thread and my thread states the building industry is shocking. My girls 4 and a bit year old school being a prime example.

Last week I went to a brand new block of flats that Newham council have taken up most of the plots..

The door entry system didn't work. The lift didn't work. The young girls HIU unit didn't work. The finish on the main stair case was shoddy.
Independent builder who subcontracts the work outvyo Tye different trade's
Have to assume they are not regular subcontractors then.

Up to him how he pays for what quality of work he gets. He has the final say in the quality of work.
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