na the plod don't beat people up

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All I'm saying is there is a clear difference in someone throwing their weight around on the street and having a punch up and a police officer trying to get a potential criminal into a cell.
Controversy has its place, skitz ( appropriate name by the way!! ) but clearly you want to ruffle a few feathers, and you've succeeded. Bravo.

Now, if a man resists arrest I can understand that an officer would use force, maybe even excessive, but not a woman. As I said before, drunk people are a pain in the ar5e, but I think he took it just a bit too far :evil:
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Firstly I can't believe they are still removing my signature when it is pretty much the same view as the government. I.e. people swindeling the government are vermin.

It is telling that you would forgive this 'violent crime' if the victim was male. You can't think it was that bad.

Anyway. We have a difference in opinion. No point labouring the point.