Need some help choosing trees

I'd want that end fence screened off. Try Sitka Spruce - straight, fast growing, lovely colour, very spiky to keep the cats out, plus as its elevated you'll get the sense of height/privacy very soon. Plus if the wind brings it down it wil be far enough from your neighbours/your houses.

Remember that any tree will put out a large and disruptive root system and will dry the ground/upset foundations after a while.

Some might suggest willow.

Willow - hmm, deer like it, but I'd avoid. Takes well from cuttings, except pussy willow which doesn't at all unless its a hybrid, and the roots get everwhere. Willows like Salix fragilis in particular.

The blipped out word by the forum is the other name for cat! aka goat willow.

Anything growing a few metres a year can quickly get out of control, and every year the roots get more extensive and your neighbours start complaining that willow are sprouting up on their side of the fence! Very hard to get rid of once established and willow WILL really dry out the ground.

Stick with the broadleaves, and give it time.
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Thanks guyz, those half rounds cost me i think around £9 for 4 meter lengths (or something like that)

I like the screening may use No 3 - may use that on the second tier to hide the shed :)

Forestboy, when you the end fence you'd want screened off - do you men the back fence?

use for the garden, well for the young kids mostly in the summer and bbq's etc
Have done lots of thinking. Not an easy problem to solve in view of height of rear properties and proximity of neighbours left and right. Trying to find a solution for privacy while considering neighbours can be impossible.

My conclusions would be to look up the following and see what you think:

Far back - Betula pendula 'Youngii' (Birch)
- Robinia 'Frisia' (Thorny when pruning)
- Sorbus aucuparia 'Sheerwater Seedling' (Rowan)
- Carpinus betulus 'Frans Fontaine' (hornbeam)
- Eucalyptus 'gunnii'
- Prunus blireana 'Mosen' (Copper cherry - your original idea)
- Whitebeam Sorbus Aria

Sides - Crataegus laevigata 'Paul's Scarlet'
- Crataegus laevigata 'Rosea Flore Plena'
- Fagus sylvatica 'Purpurea'
- Prunus 'Amanogawa'
- Cotoneaster 'September' if trained as a tree
- Cotoneaster 'Hybridus Pendulus' if trained as a tree
- Eleagnus 'Ebbingei' - could be trained as a tree
- Philadelphus 'Virginal' could be trained as a tree
- Juniperus scopulorum 'Skyrocket' if window to window problem
Fruit trees, good idea but I don't know anything about them. Hopefully somebody will help.
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Thanks, just got back :)

Hope you don't mean all of them LoL :)

Excellent list there, i am kind of leaning towards the gunni & copper cherry and Golden acacia - puerly on the simple look and the colours - but not a final list by any means :)

What do you mean by window to window problem? sorry must be slow :)
Think I'd choose those three, as well. Your copper cherry choice was a really good one in the first place!

Window to window - when a neighbour's window looks directly into one of your windows and it's annoyingly intrusive, especially with lights on eg dusk in winter. By then, all leaves will be off a deciduous tree. So, I prefer an evergreen to give year round privacy eg for you Juniper 'Skyrocket'. We know ... draw the curtains.
where that dog kennel is, a nice Pittosporum Tenuifolium will soon give you all the evergreen cover you need for that area, plus evening scented flowers in the Spring. It's quick to grow and the variety 'Silver Queen' is quite gorgeous, if a little slower.

I've had a house overlooked by those on higher ground. I planted a Eucalyptus Gunnii which I kept to 18-20 foot, trimming off 6 foot each spring. It did the trick and blocked several windows from afar. You can plant a rambling rose a few feet from it's base and train it up where it will hang down gracefully. I grew Rosa 'Leontine Gervais' whose apricot colours complimented the blue leaves.

just to say also, to camouflage the lower trunk of the Eucalyptus you can plant Cistus Purpureus around the base, the strong pink flowers again work well.
Just some ideas for you.
Have put the photos of trees up in an album, as promised.

Lorena's ideas super. A friend has that Pittorsporum in a large pot (dog kennel size!) and it's beautiful.
Hang on a minute!!! Is nobody going to stick-up for the mutt? Where's it's kennel going to go?
Thanks guyz, and thanks for the photo's ifatfirst!

Lots to take in, so will go through this all this week - and try to get a final picture drawn up in photoshop.

I put the lower steps in today - 4 heavy sleepers, seem to have gone well though, but my arms are feeling it now LoL.

Also on the kennel front, Our jack russell just sleeps all day in the kitchen and it fact it's the cat that uses the Kennel all the time, i kid you not!!!
So where's the cat going to go?

Sounds as though it's all coming together. Lawn and finished retaining logs looked good on last pics. Sure you need time to pause for thought - or even thought for paws.
LoL, well the kennel will be move forward, plenty of room for a tree or what ever in that spot. :LOL:

Yeah it's coming together now. Think i'll put one of those arbours (never new their name until now) Well in fact i will make one, as i have posts left over and timber :) I'll put it over the top steps with trellis coming out from the sides across - to try and create a secret garden at the top, as i may have a small area for growing some veg etc.

Got the sides of the steps to finish off first, then i'll get those trees planted, got to source some decent local nurseries first.

Going to re-read this thread and re find images of the trees suggested, just so i get it all planned in my mind, as i say i am new to all this new terminology.
Alan Titchmarsh watch out.

Definitely make your own arbour - far cheaper. I've found tannalised roofing battens handy and cheap to use for parts of garden structures. Kids love playing on steps - a happy summer ahead for all. Have found your enthusiasm infectious - thanks.
Thanks, after spending most of last summer digging the garden out, i have to finish it :) - All done by hand as we could not get a digger in there :eek: The garden is on the second level (Town House) so every thing had be brought up 20 steps :mad:
With regards to the Pittosporum Tenuifolium - is the vanilla scented one?

Also what shape will it have any pics most appreciated


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