this one has been shaped a little to form a column,
they withstand pruning and shaping and will regrow from old wood.
The usual variety will form a small evergreen conical shaped tree if you let it, but normally they are large shrubs clothed with foliage right to the ground.
There are several varieties to choose from but are a little slower, but not much, than the species type.
'Warnham Gold' is a gorgeous butter yellow in winter changing to pale green in summer.
The flowers are inconspicuous and you often don't know it's in flower until you scent the air - in the evening and then you notice it's a mass of tiny chocolate coloured flowers.
They all thrive in heavy clay soil with good rainfall.
this one has been shaped a little to form a column,
they withstand pruning and shaping and will regrow from old wood.
The usual variety will form a small evergreen conical shaped tree if you let it, but normally they are large shrubs clothed with foliage right to the ground.
There are several varieties to choose from but are a little slower, but not much, than the species type.
'Warnham Gold' is a gorgeous butter yellow in winter changing to pale green in summer.
The flowers are inconspicuous and you often don't know it's in flower until you scent the air - in the evening and then you notice it's a mass of tiny chocolate coloured flowers.
They all thrive in heavy clay soil with good rainfall.