I read somewhere that vaping can cause a condition called 'popcorn/bubble lung' disease.
Apparently it makes the lining of your lungs form little bubbles. My daughter, who vapes, said it happens in America because they are not so stringent on their ingredients as the UK is. If people in the UK are buying there vapes off the internet, (because apparently it's much cheaper), then heaven knows what is in the stuff.
Personally I can't stand the smell from vapes. No matter what the 'flavour', it always smells sickly sweet to me and turns my stomach. What does annoy me is, she is 6 months pregnant and has been told by her midwife and the ante-natal clinic, that she is ok to carry on vaping as they haven't been told it's dangerous.
Apparently it makes the lining of your lungs form little bubbles. My daughter, who vapes, said it happens in America because they are not so stringent on their ingredients as the UK is. If people in the UK are buying there vapes off the internet, (because apparently it's much cheaper), then heaven knows what is in the stuff.
Personally I can't stand the smell from vapes. No matter what the 'flavour', it always smells sickly sweet to me and turns my stomach. What does annoy me is, she is 6 months pregnant and has been told by her midwife and the ante-natal clinic, that she is ok to carry on vaping as they haven't been told it's dangerous.