NHS short of money or wasteful ?

And who's idea was it to create a public health system that requires unlimited funding in perpetuity? - Labour.

OK OK, that was unknind, it was the first social health system in the world so it's not surprising that it wasn't built to last. But now we have other systems to compare with we should pick a sustainable one. Switzerland perhaps?

Unlimited funding? What a load of horse poo.

Sure lets pick Switzerland who spend double what we do per capita on healthcare. You really have no idea. But lets not let facts get in the way of a rant.
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Thatcher spent more on the NHS then this goverment & also more then corbyn proposes to spend which is what 2% of gdp ???? present government spends 1.6 (ish) %

was on the radio ;)
wrong as usual


Just give up with the bull crap heard it somewhere or read it as you just made it up like most things. Hard to argue with those that dont rely on facts

Aha *ankerlot pipes up :LOL: what u know about it u could write on a postage stamp with apaint brush :LOL:

It was discussed at length on radio 4 , suggest u cut out your obvious & blatant B.S & try educating your self :LOL:

Incidentally get a job ;)
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So someone has to state their actions before doing them?

Move the goalposts; you stated that breaking the NHS was Tory policy. I asked for a link to that, otherwise it's no more admissible than Ian's experience of being held in an empty A & E. Which you derided as anecdote.
Hold yourself to the standards that you pillory others for not achieving, why don't you.
Where does anyone get the idea that the Tories want to break the NHS, that's just political clap trap. What the Tories are doing, is outsourcing the NHS services, and that's not privatising the NHS as the left tend to accuse, it's just recognising that the NHS is inherently inefficient, and others can provide a cheaper service.
Unlimited funding? What a load of horse poo.
Do you think there's any amount of money we could give to the NHS that would silence all demands for more money?

Sure lets pick Switzerland who spend double what we do per capita on healthcare.
Spending as a % of GDP is roughly the same as UK and every other European country, but they have twice the GDP per captia that we do. You really have no idea.

You really have no idea.
Fine let's not change anything at all and continue with an obsolete 1940s system that is inferior to so many other countries. What a great idea.
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Do you think there's any amount of money we could give to the NHS that would silence all demands for more money?

Spending as a % of GDP is roughly the same as UK and every other European country, but they have twice the GDP per captia that we do. You really have no idea.

Fine let's not change anything at all and continue with an obsolete 1940s system that is inferior to so many other countries. What a great idea.

I give up you really don't understand GDP per capita and total GDP spend on healthcare fyi its 9.1% for UK and 11.7% which is about 29% more.

Another straw man argument that there needs to be unlimited funds.

You can see the comparison of the NHS to other countries and then factor in the cost and outcomes - there are world bank, OECD etc reports. You can read them before you start rambling again.

Please give me an example of a system you like - you said Switzerland and they spend more - are you happy to pay more?
Please give me an example of a system you like - you said Switzerland and they spend more - are you happy to pay more?
Why are you so focussed on spend per capita? What counts is the system. Theirs is sustainable, ours is not. Theirs -and several others around the world- has a kind of mandatory health insurance (if you're out of work the state pays for your insurance) and there are regulations preventing insurance companies from discriminating (unlike in the US). You don't have to spend twice as much per capita -that just gets you more 5 star hotel experience, with private rooms etc just like in the US, but that sort of thing is a nicety not expected by Britons. Think systematically instead of specifically.

I ask again, is there any amount of money that would satisfy the NHS in its current form? And if so, how much?
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Funny, on Facebook the same discussion came up. A friend of a friend said that they have given birth in both America and the UK. The UK service was far superior, with better nursing, better assistance all round, but the American hospitals were much better decorated. America is all about appearance. It's what lies underneath that is important. A bit like building I guess!
I read that the biggest cause of personal bankruptcy in the U.S. is medical bills,. in the UK no-one goes bankrupt because of medical bills.
At the end of the day a health care system is essential and has to be paid for one way or another, in a private system a lot of the money you pay for cover goes to pay for glossy sales brochures, commission for salesmen, backhanders to politicians, and dividends to shareholders, your health is their wealth.
in a private system a lot of the money you pay for cover goes to pay for glossy sales brochures, commission for salesmen, backhanders to politicians, and dividends to shareholders, your health is their wealth.

Whereas in a publicly funded system, the money goes on the top brasses wages, then payoffs when they get fired/transferred for incompetence, then there's the skiing jollies that get dressed up as training. Mum ended up in hospital this week after having blacked out and fallen over. A&E were brilliant, as were the CDU. Unfortunately, when she got on the ward, the care went downhill, and when she complained at night that she was cold, she got ignored and she froze all night. The doctors were good, and she got her medication sorted, but the nurses were absolute crap. The foods got better since her last visit though.
Whereas in a publicly funded system, the money goes on the top brasses wages, then payoffs when they get fired/transferred for incompetence, then there's the skiing jollies that get dressed up as training
The point is our system still costs less per head - by a mile and is available to EVERYONE.
and is available to EVERYONE

Two of my work colleagues have very similar shoulder injuries sustained from falls. (Torn ligaments)
One has been waiting two years for an operation.

The other guy just learned today after 3 years since his injury that he can now see a consultant regarding his injury. Which will cost him £270 quid.
If he wants to try an operation he will have to pay £2000. Doctors have told him his shoulder is fooked. Its been so long since the injury.
Neither of them can lift their arm above their shoulder height.
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