Nigels view on how to stop the riots.

You mean the <2 million, since 1995.


Your grasp on numbers says it all. Where you getting your figures from? Guardian?

Looking at only 10 years - 2011 to 2021 - the population rose by more than 4 million. Must be several times that since 1995.

Now I know why lefties are so misinformed. :rolleyes: Or just trying to bend the truth.

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No wonder this country is so screwed. Not just because we have a socialist government, but there's an army of deluded lefties waiting to try to muddy the waters with misinformation and utter twaddle. Half of them are on here.

And Himmy's still following me around, trying to inflict his pathetic woke drivel on me. I see him posting at least once straight after my posts. I can't hear you Himmy, you're on ignore. Hey, what did you say, still can't hear you!! :LOL::LOL::LOL:

Sorry Himm, speak up! Still can't hear you!!!

Sad, innit. :giggle:
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Try my post #163 for Oxford University's analysis.

Yes, scary reading. 1992 the small population growth was almost completely down to natural growth by indigenous Brits. By 2022, much larger population growth was almost completely due to mass immigration.

Do you not have any relevant and more telling stats of historical UK population totals by year?
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There has been a bit concerning the stop the boats chants on C4 and the general shear number of times immigration crops up in the news. Some people blame them for all of the problems when in fact they are a minor itch to a much larger problem. True they need to be stopped but way too much excitement about the subject,
I think people see these boat arrivals as a barometer as to what the government are doing about uncontrolled immigration. Nothing wrong with controlled immigration for workers that are needed when some checks can be made but you just do not know whether these people coming over on boats are violent robbers, rapists, murderers etc. On arrival, they’re hardly likely to say "I'm on the run from my country because I’ve raped a couple of kids and killed their mummy" are they? Put a stop to the unchecked arrivals and a lot more people will be happier.
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I think people see these boat arrivals as a barometer as to what the government are doing about uncontrolled immigration
Thick people might do that

Nothing wrong with controlled immigration for workers that are needed when some checks can be made but you just do not know whether these people coming over on boats are violent robbers, rapists, murderers etc
Yes it’s disgusting the way the way these people coming over on boats are smashing up our cities, setting light to cars, burning down hotels and libraries, injuring police, terrorising neighbourhoods

Oh hang on a mo…it’s patriotic white English men doing that.
Not just because we have a socialist government, but there's an army of deluded lefties waiting to try to muddy the waters with misinformation and utter twaddle
You’ve written utter twaddle in that sentence.

We don’t have a socialist govt, it’s centrist.

R&C is as informed as a goat herder
Yes it’s disgusting the way the way these people coming over on boats are smashing up our cities, setting light to cars, burning down hotels and libraries, injuring police, terrorising neighbourhoods
A quick Google brings up this data from Germany. I have no reason to suspect asylum seekers in the U.K. are any different. Would you be happy with those stats for the asylum seekers we take in?

"The group represented roughly 2 percent of the German population by end of 2017, but was suspected of committing 8.5 percent of crimes (violations off the German alien law are not included). The numbers suggest that the differences could at least to some extent have to do with the fact that the refugees are younger and more often male than the average German. The statistics show that the asylum-group is highly overrepresented for some types of crime. They account for 14.3 percent of all suspects in crimes against life (which include murder, manslaughter and involuntary manslaughter), 12.2 percent of sexual offences, 11.4 percent of thefts and 9.7 percent of body injuries. The report also shows differences between the origin of migrants. Syrians are underrepresented as suspects, whereas citizens from most African countries, especially northern Africans are strongly overrepresented. Migrants from Afghanistan and Pakistan are particularly over represented as suspects in sexual offences"
A quick Google brings up this data from Germany. I have no reason to suspect asylum seekers in the U.K. are any different. Would you be happy with those stats for the asylum seekers we take in?
Who is causing the rioting inEngland at the moment

Is it White English thugs or is it Asylum seekers.

Take yer time
hese people coming over on boats are violent robbers, rapists, murderers etc
So every single person arriving by small boat is a robber, rapist, murderer

Please provide the evidence that 100% of them are criminals

Take yer time
I think people see these boat arrivals as a barometer as to what the government are doing about uncontrolled immigration. Nothing wrong with controlled immigration for workers that are needed when some checks can be made but you just do not know whether these people coming over on boats are violent robbers, rapists, murderers etc. On arrival, they’re hardly likely to say "I'm on the run from my country because I’ve raped a couple of kids and killed their mummy" are they? Put a stop to the unchecked arrivals and a lot more people will be happier.
These boat arrivals.

Has it just started happening under Labour. Or has it been getting out of control for years?

But blame the Government that's been in charge a month? It's politically based rioting.

Blame those leading it as well as those doing it. Don't try and blame others to try and justify rioting and disorder
These boat arrivals.

Has it just started happening under Labour. Or has it been getting out of control for years?

But blame the Government that's been in charge a month? It's politically based rioting.
Yeah, I saw all those Tory voters rioting, didn’t you?
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