Northamptonshire Council is going bust

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Councils :LOL: spend countless sums on consultation documents on what amounts to nonsense imo

Council around here employed some one to measure the width of newly painted yellow lines :LOL:

Common sense is not a requirement to be a council pencil pusher.

If I won it big on the Euro lottery I would find out where the big I am in the local council lives , buy the house next door to them and then proceed to make there life a misery :LOL: via some obnoxious tenants who could live there rent free there only remit would be to cause havoc
I heard that on the radio too Trans, think was radio 2. Here it is in the sun.
Yeah, seems like a jobsworth to me, pulling someone up over the rubbish in his van.
I would fight this all the way.
If it were COMMERCIAL waste, then they may have a point. But this is domestic waste, food wrappers etc.... The world has gone MAD.
Will they be stopping people with waste in their vehicles on the way to the local dump? Just because you own a van does not mean you are in the trade.
My sister had a Transit as personal transport for years.
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The "Commercial" waste bag is, I believe, a bag from a wholesaler which presumably originally carried sand or some such product.
R soles.
A few years back, I got involved in a campaign to stop a valuable piece of public owned land being sold for a pittance.
(to a developer who just happened to be a relative of a councillor's family member)

Attended a meeting where a photocopied single A4 sheet was put in front of everyone present highlighting their 'plan'.
We countered with 20 page hand bound copies of an alternative.

The single sheet cost £20k in 'consultant' fees.
Ours about £30 in materials and unpaid work!

Midway through, 'refreshments' were brought in...
We expected Tea/Coffee and maybe a chocolate hobnob or two.

But no...
A full trolley of M&S 'finest' range of titbits was wheeled out.

An FOI request later revealed that during that year alone the spend on (only) daytime meetings 'hospitality' was £186k !

They sure know how to waste other peoples money!

(on threat of a call in to the NAO the corrupt deal was stopped - but how many get through, costing us a fortune?)
And whilst some high up people were having a jolly (that appeaes to have been hidden) the people paying for it are being left high and dry.

I accept that in the world of promoting a county (why is that even needed ?), then promotional events happen. Why were they so hidden though ? What else has been hidden and not found?

People on here often criticise the lowly council workers for doing the job as they are told to do it. But very few of those critics show the same attitude to those responsible for far bigger issues!
Councils :)

Thanks to the persistence of a PhD student researching email scams on public sector bodies a freedom
Of info request to Cotswold district council has revealed that it was defrauded of £55,520 by Unknown tricksters

After receiving 3 email requests for emergency funds in December 2015 the council transferred £ 18,400 then £18,220 and a further £18,900 to a perpetrator Unknown ?
The council took 6 months to fully answer the FOI request

The employee is still in his post
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