I wish he would google, instead of asking for others to give him links!doubt he could change a light bulb with out googling
I wish he would google, instead of asking for others to give him links!doubt he could change a light bulb with out googling
Councils going bust because all the lefty labour lazy sods breeding instead of working then the kids taken into care.
Councils going bust because all the lefty labour lazy sods breeding instead of working then the kids taken into care.
Councils going bust because all the lefty labour lazy sods breeding instead of working then the kids taken into care.
So I'm right!.. loads of money spent on lefty ferel kids.tend to find its lefties who have no job..no prospects...if no protest to attend they occupy themselves breeding15p on looking after children.
So I'm right!.. loads of money spent on lefty ferel kids.tend to find its lefties who have no job..no prospects...if no protest to attend they occupy themselves breeding
Or is it greed, and p poor management?
£41,000,000 on stationary, what’s wrong with that?