"This study does not allow us to pinpoint a specific cause of this longevity. It just tells us some of the factors that seem to be associated with extreme longevity,” Monti said. “For example, in order to increase our healthy lifespan, we might need to intervene in boosting a person's immune system."
Of course. There might be a germ of truth in it, in that some tribes moved location, but the idea that some sky pixie directed it all puts it firmly into the Harry Potter realm.
Of course. There might be a germ of truth in it, in that some tribes moved location, but the idea that some sky pixie directed it all puts it firmly into the Harry Potter realm.
Sure, from a modern point of view, the story is full of holes...but what else can you tell Bronze Age folk to inspire them?
There is some plausible evidence the events in Exodus could've occurred. I suspect some elements of Akhenaten's sun-worship may have been taken out of Egypt too...but that's another story, for another day.