Oh great!! The fireworks have started.

Exactly like that. And like the time I started a bush fire on a railway embankment in high summer. :oops:
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You can get prosecuted for playing your music too loud at night and disturbing the neighbours. You're not supposed to sound your car horn after 11:30pm for the same reason, but you can let fireworks off all night long :confused:

We campaign agaist these little tiny cluster bombs but we openly sell what amounts to explosives to irresponsible teens who think its fun to throw the things around in public spaces :confused: Last year I came across a group of yobs, pockets brimming with fireworks, I only wish I had a match to throw in said pockets.

Broken greenhouses, dented car roofs; all the results of these large rockets returning to earth, which then just lay in the streets, yet you can be fined for dropping litter in the same streets :confused:

i.m.o we should stop selling to the public and reserve them for organised events only. If every one contributed as much as they pay for a few in their back yards, just think of the sort of displays that would be possible.
I'm with you on that nstreet.
Incidently, a mate of mine does firework displays as a sideline business. If anyone's local and can get to Calder Vale near Garstang (just outside of Preston) on the 3rd Nov, then it's sure to be a good show. Oh, it's at a pub too! If anyone's interested, you can e-mail me (address in my profile) and I'll give you directions.
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nstreet said:
You can get prosecuted for playing your music too loud at night and disturbing the neighbours. You're not supposed to sound your car horn after 11:30pm for the same reason, but you can let fireworks off all night long :confused:
Of course not - the same law applies to the nuisance of fireworks noises. :rolleyes:

We campaign agaist these little tiny cluster bombs but we openly sell what amounts to explosives to irresponsible teens who think its fun to throw the things around in public spaces :confused:
It is fun, for the unwise amongst us. If you don't understand that then you've lost touch with reailty.

Last year I came across a group of yobs, pockets brimming with fireworks, I only wish I had a match to throw in said pockets.
Ah yes - premeditated GBH - that'd teach 'em. :rolleyes:

Broken greenhouses, dented car roofs; all the results of these large rockets returning to earth, which then just lay in the streets, yet you can be fined for dropping litter in the same streets :confused:
Please cite a case of someone being fined for dropping litter in the street.

i.m.o we should stop selling to the public and reserve them for organised events only. If every one contributed as much as they pay for a few in their back yards, just think of the sort of displays that would be possible.
Who clears up after those displays, and who tends to the animals that are inevitably injured or distressed?

I'd certainly pay money to see someone with your opinions be strapped to a rocket and fired into the November sky. :evil:
nstreet said:
You can get prosecuted for playing your music too loud at night and disturbing the neighbours. You're not supposed to sound your car horn after 11:30pm for the same reason, but you can let fireworks off all night long :confused:
You cannot have fireworks after 11pm unless you've permission.
while I dont litter intentionally....i can see where i might have some probs if i was there.

YIKES! :oops:
mlb3c said:
is that a left or right....once i get past the pond? :LOL:
See the little red cross? It's just about there.
Softus said:
I was actually asking nstreet , so it would have been nice if you'd kept your nose out. Nevertheless...
Then don't post a question in an open forum then! ...didn't know a reply was by 'invitation only'.... ;)

As for your 'noise nuisance' links reply....your point is? You asked for examples of 'litter prosecutions', and I gave them...!
ellal said:
Then don't post a question in an open forum then!
Don't be pathetic - forum members address questions to each other all the time.

As for your 'noise nuisance' links reply....your point is? You asked for examples of 'litter prosecutions', and I gave them...!
No I didn't; as I've already explained I asked nstreet for a case of litter prosecution, but my point is now utterly lost because you didn't leave nstreet to answer.
At the risk of getting embroiled in you boys' debate, I found the last litterbug example quite funny...the guy certainly had his chips. :LOL:

Without being too authoritarian, I do reckon it'd be good if people were a bit more resonsible, and if they won't do it themselves, then enforced fines are a good thing.

On the other hand, yes, boys will be boys, many of us have been there, no :eek: but if they're caught give them a bit of community service, like sweeping the streets or collecting dog doo...instead of all this red tape court stuff...it won't do them any harm, not give them a criminal record and may teach them something. Of course if they're firing rockets at people or something that's more serious.

Then also restrict the sale of more powerful fireworks...maybe even make them with satelite-controlled silencers that kick-in after 11pm. ;)
Softus said:
Don't be pathetic - forum members address questions to each other all the time.
And others also answer those posts 'all the time'..!!

Careful you don't slip when getting off that horse of yours...seems it's a mighty long way down... ;)
ellal said:
And others also answer those posts 'all the time'..!!
This isn't a matter of principle, it's just a case of you sticking your nose in.

All kinds of people do answer all kinds of questions, but on this occasion you were the only one who butted in when it was a question plainly directed to nstreet.
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