Oh great!! The fireworks have started.

Softus said:
ellal said:
And others also answer those posts 'all the time'..!!
This isn't a matter of principle, it's just a case of you sticking your nose in.

All kinds of people do answer all kinds of questions, but on this occasion you were the only one who butted in when it was a question plainly directed to nstreet. Pratt.
Oh I'm sorry...I didn't realise I'd be spoiling your '1-to-1' by posting an answer to your 'private' question in this topic... :LOL:

But anyway....

Since we (responsibly) set off quite a few fireworks from our garden every New Year (can't beat Lewes for Bonfire Night..), then I'd certainly hate to see further restrictions (regarding what can be bought) on the overwhelmingly 'law abiding' majority, but...

Without being too authoritarian, I do reckon it'd be good if people were a bit more resonsible, and if they won't do it themselves, then enforced fines are a good thing.

On the other hand, yes, boys will be boys, many of us have been there, no but if they're caught give them a bit of community service, like sweeping the streets or collecting dog doo...instead of all this red tape court stuff...it won't do them any harm, not give them a criminal record and may teach them something. Of course if they're firing rockets at people or something that's more serious.

seems a reasonable approach to me...
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