Oh! I do like to be beside the seaside!!

see what i mean? a nonsense thread and people (probably nuke as well) keep coming back to it.

now thats what i call entertainment. vol 1

1600 views and rising

and it all started with an ironing "board" nudge nudge!!!! .... ;)
i never did find ur socks!!!!!
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:( nice one!!!!!!!!....it a gift from the folk who used to live here....i only just moved in!!!!!!
are you sure it's not haunted by a plumber who died on the job??
old plumbers never die, really. they just f-f-f-f-ade away................
and there'l be half a dozen sparkies in the loft

no.....dozens of sparrows!!!!........iv got a loft conversion!!....and sparrows nesting in the pointy bit above the bedroom windows!!!!....noisy little feathered freaks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(
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