Oh! I do like to be beside the seaside!!

Yeah, I know someone who used to work a massage parlour & hers were sad tales. Blokes coming in who didn't want anything more than company & a bit of conversation. Very sad.

:( yeah i know a lot of guys like that too!.....tho these stories would make ur hair curl!!!!!..... :)
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i used to have curly hair. Well, more like long, flowing tresses, really. back in the days when i was a blonde god.
this week,....
Yeah, I know someone who used to work a massage parlour & hers were sad tales. Blokes coming in who didn't want anything more than company & a bit of conversation. Very sad.

I know a guy who went on a strictly 'no-sleep' stag weekend. He paid a reasonable but undisclosed sum of money to enter a 'massage parlour'. Once inside he told the young lady she could leave him to it - he just wanted the bed for a couple of hours so he could get some sleep without the other guys knowing!!
that's why we need to look after the planet. it's the only one with chocolate. :)
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