Oh Rwanda

Notch, do you know what percentage of the British muslim population are criminals

do you?

I think you will find it’s no different to the White British population, taking the same socio economic group
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The government wants to dump over 1,500 fake refugees on the village of Linton-On-Ouse in Yorkshire.

Village residents, all right-wing extremists of course, don't want them.

Linton-on-Ouse asylum seeker plans will 'destroy' village as locals say they'll lock themselves in their homes - YorkshireLive (examinerlive.co.uk)

Why doesn't the government seek out villages that DO want the fake refugees? Places where the likes of Notch, Denso, AngleEyes and John D live for instance?


the article doesn’t state they are false refugees.
The one's they initially arrived in

why should those countries have to take them?

if we don’t want them, why should they

You are just coming out with the same useless sh1t as any other Daily Mail useful idiot.

By the way, most of them do stay in the country they initially arrived: Turkey, Jordan etc

no doubt you support dropping foreign aid, so you expect these countries to pick up the tab.
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Why doesn't the government seek out villages that DO want the fake refugees? Places where the likes of Notch, Denso, AngleEyes and John D live for instance

I tell you what Andy, why don’t we take you to Yemen, then you can enjoy life being shot at, bombed, persecuted - you might stop being a total tw@t
if you bothered to read the article you would notice the numbers now are far less than the early

You are getting confused. My problem is not with genuine good honest Asylum seekers. It with Economic migrants who do come in by air and by ferry. They have documents they just overstay their visa and don't go home....

My problem is not with genuine asylum seekers who need our help and in turn give to our country. Risking their and rescue teams life's is wrong and only feeds the people smugglers.
My problem is not with genuine good honest Asylum seekers. It with Economic migrants who do come in by air and by ferry

You do have a problem with genuine asylum seekers.
You say they are economic migrants.

You want genuine asylum seekers to be sent to Rwanda.
You want genuine asylum seekers to be sent to Rwanda.
If I was a genuine asylum seeker, it wouldn't bother me being sent anywhere safe while my application was being considered. It's just single males being considered. Not families, not children and not women. What's wrong with that?
I tell you what Andy, why don’t we take you to Yemen, then you can enjoy life being shot at, bombed, persecuted - you might stop being a total tw@t

Its a FACT that 90% of those crossing the channel by small boat are males. Fit young males can work and send money back home.

If we in the UK were being shot at, bombed and persecuted meaning we had to escape and cross the channel in a small boat, what would the male/female mix be on those boats? What is the male/female mix in your household, in your street, in your town - I bet it's not 90% males, is it? Have you never heard the saying 'women and children first'? That's what's rightly happening in Ukraine. Why not in those other countries?
You do have a problem with genuine asylum seekers.
You say they are economic migrants.

You want genuine asylum seekers to be sent to Rwanda.

Yes most certainly if they cross the channel by dinghy
You do have a problem with genuine asylum seekers.
You say they are economic migrants.

You want genuine asylum seekers to be sent to Rwanda.
And there lies the root of the argument.

Not wanting economic migrants to come here is not the same as not being willing to accept genuine asylum seekers. It should not be assumed that just because you might not want economic migrants to try to enter the uk by crossing the channel and claiming asylum, you are automatically against all asylum seekers.

In my opinion, what most people who would like to see the end of the channel crossings want is the ending of uncontrolled, economic migration to the UK.

We are basically a nation of people who believe in and abide by the rule of law and don't like to be taken advantage of. In my opinion, what people particularly don't like about the channel crossings is the perception that the people crossing the channel are bypassing the rule of law and fraudulently claiming asylum to enable them to live and work here when under our rules and laws they wouldn't be allowed to.

Sending twenty something, unaccompanied male channel crossers who then claim asylum to Rwanda should significantly deter economic migrants and is why i like the policy.
If I was a genuine asylum seeker, it wouldn't bother me being sent anywhere safe while my application was being considered. It's just single males being considered. Not families, not children and not women. What's wrong with that?
Perhaps because it will incentivise the people traffickers with boats to target families?

Also, tough luck if you're a single male asylum seeker.

Maybe the Tories should tour the UK with a bus, with "Lets send £1.9billion to Rwanda with no real benefit" written on the side.
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Village residents, all right-wing extremists of course, don't want them.

Should the residents be allowed to murder them as they approach the village, or should the murder of innocents be restricted to the channel?
Perhaps because it will incentivise the people traffickers with boats to target families?
If I had a family and was fleeing persecution there's no way I would consider risking their lives further by attempting to cross the channel in a dinghy. I'd stop in the first safe country we reached.

Also, tough luck if you're a single male asylum seeker.
Why tough luck? They will be taken somewhere safe while their application for asylum is being processed.

Maybe they should tour the UK with a bus, with "Lets send £1.9billion to Rwanda with no real benefit" written on the side.
Maybe we could put some posters up of dead migrant bodies washed up on beaches at known launch sites?

What is it that you are not getting about our governments attempts at protecting lives and thwarting the smuggler gangs?
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I think you will find it’s no different to the White British population, taking the same socio economic group

I think there are statistics around on that. Official ones and race wont clearly figure.

Rwanda - listening to the talk in the house about it. Not that much of it. It isn't totally clear who will be shipped out.

As with Ukraine families who will host and or more probably with general refugees etc relatives will probably figure. Also qualifications and skills.

In war areas the USA has an interesting view due to NATO. Not prepared to fight. It isn't something that most people usually want to do. Ukraine for instance wont let people of fighting age leave the country.
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