Oi, you, get back to work!

So I doubt that dragging retirees back into the workplace is going to help the nation's productivity.
Ha! So you think that your one anecdote is proof that all older people should be pensioned off? That's pretty ageist, especially when you consider that in my own life I've experienced the same sort of issues with people of other age groups e.g. the receptionist who is too busy doing her nails and yakking to a friend on her phone to actually do her job, the idiots behind the counter at Screwstation who are too wrapped up in their own personal lives to do their job ar all, and so on and so forth. It has bugger all to do with age - unless, of course, you are a bigot

The glorious 1970's 'grafters' lol. Thank god modern working (Japanese/German style) practices sorted out a generation of slackers. The lazy entitled old duffers are all retiring now thank goodness.
It didn't sort anything out. There have always been lazy b'stards, and there always will be. As to lazy and entitled, I counter that by saying that you sound like an ageist bigot. At approaching 70 I am still working, or rather I've tried retirement a couple of times, got bored and gone back.

I'm currently snagging out a building where the quality of joinery work is, in the main, acceptable, but where there are some absolute howlers - avoidable mistakes made by joiners who were mainly in their 20s and 30s, and who frankly should have known better, because none of the cock-ups involved "rocket science" IMHO. There are two joiners doing the snagging - myself and a "young duffer" (at all of 58). Why do you think that is, then?

I don't often complain about apprentices being lazy. The fact is they need to be encouraged to develop a work ethic which they certainly don't seem to develop at school. My biggest complaint is about the quality of apprentices we get; they are often innumerate, being incapable of fairly basic arithmetic let alone basic geometry; they are often illiterate, being incapable of comprehending written instructions; and they lack self-discipline, being incapable of understanding, for example, that a mobile phone at work is for work-related tasks, nothing more unless permission has been granted by your i/c (like it is supposed to be at school).

Over a number of decades I have witnessed a gradual decline. This means that when you get one who shows an interest and asks pertinent questions it is a pleasure to help them. In the past 6 or 7 years there have been just two apprentices who were worth the extra effort on my part - the slightly more mature, very quiet lad who came to us at nearly 19 years of age and was a sort of blotting paper for knowledge consuming some of my older C&G textbooks at an eye-opening rate in his lunch breaks, and also asking some very pertinent questions, and a second lad who I always called "Fast Eddie" because he seemed so slow on the uptake - but once he did understand stuff, his rate and quality of work were both excellent. Against those the number of the witless, lazy or downright stupid I have seen come through my various employers has been many.

One of the issues seems to be that lads coming in (and there are very, very few girls) expect to do 2 years at college then be on the "big money" - because they are "fully trained", aren't they? At age 19, after 2 years maybe with a couple of competent guys who have put in the extra effort needed to show them the ropes, they are probably OK to do simpler stuff (indeed, they should be) but anything with a level of complexity or finesse completely flummoxes nany of them. Yet they think they should be on the same money the more experienced guys are on without having put in any time as an improver and maybe a bit more time as a journeyman... The worst thing is agencies and a lot of firms also think that they are "finished men", meaning that agency staff get a bad rep (some of it justifiable) and that a lot of people really do poor or variable work which they think is acceptable. Or is it just that I'm an old fart looking at the world through rose-tinted varifocals who should accept second best as the only thing I'll get?
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When they said jump, your reply (if any) was 'How high?'.
Do you want to bet that when you were starting out then the newspapers of the time were saying that the youth of today we're slackers with no sense of work ethic?
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Do you want to bet that when you were starting out then the newspapers of the time were saying that the youth of today we're slackers with no sense of work ethic?

No, because that has always been said, but never truer than today. Very many are completely unable to function at all, without a phone in their hand.
Very many are completely unable to function at all, without a phone in their hand.
That's because every bit of daily functional information these days is delivered through phones.
Conversely, we get our phones out during breaks (10:00am and 1:00pm). If I'm waiting for important information, I keep my phone close. Most of the time we are wearing ear def's in any case.
Some people rely on their phones on a minute by minute basis so are constantly gawping. Smart phones and I-Pads are the new clip-board. :mrgreen:
No, because that has always been said, but never truer than today. Very many are completely unable to function at all, without a phone in their hand.
Thats what they probably said too.

The oldest bit of known writing is a customer complaining about being shorted on an order. The second oldest bit is someone complaining that young people these days are lazy.
No, because that has always been said, but never truer than today. Very many are completely unable to function at all, without a phone in their hand.

“Probably there is no period in history in which young people have given such emphatic utterance to a tendency to reject that which is old and to wish for that which is new.”
Young People Drinking More, Portsmouth Evening News, 1936

He felt that the people who were giving that kind of charge, that sweeping condemnation, were generally out of touch with the young people… ‘I think that if we knew the boys and girls — and I am thinking particularly tonight the young people of Britain — of those modern times, we should feel that after all they are very much like ourselves. They think very much like ourselves only their expression of their thinking is a little bit different.’”
Modern Young People: ‘A Glorious Lot’, Cornishman, 1934
I have found that some of these youngsters have an in ability to look
Busy ( when it counts)
I think laziness, incompetence and a complete lack of pride in the job is commonplace.

I had some refurb work done on our bedroom extension a while back. It had been a long time coming and we had a series of awful (non) tradesmen come and do various jobs. Literally every job was a fork-up.

The reason I ploughed on regardless was to save Mrs Secure's sanity. Literally. And to a lesser extent, my own.

We had a new flat roof. The spec was for an EPDM warm roof. I told the guy he was to notify LABC. He said no worries, his daughter worked there and it would not be a problem. As it was during lockdown, he said they would accept photos. LSS, he never notified them, they had never heard of his daughter and we had a hell of a time sorting out a certificate.

The guy installed fibreglass. He hadn't got a clue what a warm roof was. We ended up doing some of the work.

He was to fit roof straps, replace some roof joists that were rotted at the ends and put a Catnic in over the door as the existing was only a piece of angle iron that had the roof joists resting on it.

When I came to inspect, the roof straps were "held" in place by one inch woodscrews screwed direct into the mortar (so were hopelessly loose).

The joists were still insitu, but had 18" new pieces bolted to them.

The lintel he put in was an equally pathetic inadequate piece of steel, not a proper lintel.

I phoned him up and told him that I was onto him and that I knew he was a shyster and told him he needed to pull his socks up because this job was to be inspected by LABC.

But he blarted on about how brilliant he was and used descriptions I had never heard of and made wild claims. The outside of the roof where it folded over to the uPVC boards would flap about in the wind so we got him to come back (he hadn't been paid). He told me he had to fit (I can't remember the name he used, but it was something like) superklango screws which were "£30 each". They were just very long woodscrews.

He used 100mm insulation which I was later told should have been thicker but it was all passed by LABC. One thing peed me off though. The first LABC guy to come told me 175 rockwool was no good for underfloor but the second said it was. That would have saved me a fortune and a load of farting about.

The floor guy didn't know how to fit sheets of P5. That the short ends had to stop on a joist.....

And instead of minimising the number of joints in the rigid insulation under the floor (I bought plenty and told him to use it all), he cobbled together all the offcuts.

The plasterer was rough and the plumber was a lazy forker who used plastic when I specced Yorkshire.

And when I asked him to move the wash hand basin over, he didn't, because it would have meant moving the pipework.

He fitted the pan impossibly close to the shower enclosure. He wasn't going to silicone the tray to the floor until I asked him to. We found out later that when he fixed the enclosure to the tiles, he had not sunk the plug deep enough so two months later, the tile cracked and a load of water got under the flooring and into the stud wall, requiring replacement of the vinyl flooring and adjacent skirting.

We now have problems with heavy rain where it pours over the edge of the flat roof and the internal leaf is getting wet.

I despair, being a bit of a perfectionist, but I have let it go and resigned myself to getting it redone whenever we can.

But I do wonder what sort of apprenticeships these people had...
Ha! So you think that your one anecdote is proof that all older people should be pensioned off? That's pretty ageist, especially when you consider that in my own life I've experienced the same sort of issues with people of other age groups e.g. the receptionist who is too busy doing her nails and yakking to a friend on her phone to actually do her job, the idiots behind the counter at Screwstation who are too wrapped up in their own personal lives to do their job ar all, and so on and so forth. It has bugger all to do with age - unless, of course, you are a bigot
********************** I was merely pointing out that it's not just young people who are capable of being lazy halfwits, it's a capability shared among all age groups, in contrast to the "it wasn't like that in the old days" prevailing tone whining its way through this thread.

Personally, I've found that older customer-facing workers are very capable of being ignorant and unfriendly - especially towards younger people, and lots of big businesses lose customers due to this bad attitude.

Many who were working in the heavily unionised 1970s still have the stinking attitudes of back then, they won't do anything that wasn't in their job description and don't care in the slightest about whether their employer makes money or not. Go to work, do as little as possible, go home again.
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Not all evil, but quite a lot of it. It's responsible for those who are already here and don't bother working and also for those people risking their lives in dinghies in the channel.

Is it really any surprise that if you pay people quite a lot for doing little or nothing then they might just prefer that option?

It all started out as Tax Credits voter bribery under the Blair/Brown government. But it's so entrenched now that any party that dismantled it would be guaranteed defeat at the next election. The BBC would be smothered in sad faced people with their tales of woe.

I don't really know what the way out of this country's mess is. It probably now needs a major issue that can't be kicked down the road. The whole Truss/Kwarteng thing was just an early taster of what's on the cards at some point soon, when the world decides they don't want to keep lending us more money to blow on imported tat. All they did was bring the day of reckoning closer, Sunak's just managed to get it back on the back burner for a bit longer.
I'm not sure that's really true.
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