Oil prices up yet again.

Good thinking Masona, but let's take it a bit further. The reason that no new refineries are being built is...? That's right - NO NEW OIL.
That's certainly one theory.

Another is that they won't bother building new refineries until they have depleted the existing ones :rolleyes:

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How do you deplete a factory? FFS is that the best you can up with?
Joe-90 wrote ZZZzzzzzz:
How do you deplete a factory? FFS is that the best you can up with?
The simple fact is that your posts are so damn repetetive that I don't really read them properly anymore ... For refineries I read drilling platforms.

Ho hum.

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I find Corrie boring so I don't watch it. You find my posts boring.....
Joe and Megawatt - Having a lovers Tiff.
It's Great
Keep it up Lads
Yea right ... Anyway, enough being nice ... Why don't you just f**k off. :LOL:
Considering that the price of oil has doubled in the past year I don't think $4 is here nor there do you?

Oh and BTW there is still 20p per litre to go on domestic fuel that is still in the pipeline. Even if things stay as they are you'll soon be paying an extra 20p at the pumps.
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