Oil prices up yet again.

Thank you Ub7RM for the most informed post we have had on this subject.

Don't expect any degree of sanity from Joe-90 on oil though as you won't get any ;)

His facts are googled and not shared by everyone (including me) but we've all long since given up debating it with him as it's a pointless exercise and simply sit back amused at his rants of doom and gloom :LOL:

I think its safe to say you are somewhat of a doom monger
You are a very perceptive individual but have a talent for understatement :LOL: :LOL:

Don't waste your time on any posts from Joe on this subject as his position and sheer obstinacy will really blow your mind ;)

Regarding ...
What is this 1962 development you're referring to?
It was when Joe had his first (unsuccessful) labotomy :cool:

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The World is rather a large place and much of it has yet to be explored/surveyed so we definitely don't know for sure that there is no more oil ... Everyone seems to grasp this except Joe/SatansDaftRacistBrother ... But, hey ho.

Thank you Ub7RM for the most informed post we have had on this subject.

Don't expect any degree of sanity from Joe-90 on oil though as you won't get any ;)

His facts are googled and not shared by everyone (including me) but we've all long since given up debating it with him as it's a pointless exercise and simply sit back amused at his rants of doom and gloom :LOL:

I think its safe to say you are somewhat of a doom monger
You are a very perceptive individual but have a talent for understatement :LOL: :LOL:

Don't waste your time on any posts from Joe on this subject as his position and sheer obstinacy will really blow your mind ;)

Regarding ...
What is this 1962 development you're referring to?
It was when Joe had his first (unsuccessful) labotomy :cool:


If you've got nothing to say - why don't you go away?
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The World is rather a large place and much of it has yet to be explored/surveyed so we definitely don't know for sure that there is no more oil ... Everyone seems to grasp this except Joe/SatansDaftRacistBrother ... But, hey ho.


As usual you are clueless. There is no more CHEAP oil - and that's what our civilisation runs on. Expensive oil is no use to us.
Gimme facts - not mess room gossip. Why do you think you are right and the rest of the world wrong?

I could ask you the same thing......

I don't think the rest of the world has the same opinions as you for a start.

If you look at North Sea production its certainly true that the elephant fields have been discovered and that we are unlikely to find others of that size. However you cant look at production and say that the reserves are dwindling. Economics plays a huge part here, taxation has removed much of the incentive for exploration, development and general investment since around 2005. That only started to change last year when some of the bigger operators (with their big overheads) gave up some of their licences to smaller operators. Coupled with a higher oil price this means that exploration / development is at its highest level for over a decade. Look at the accounts of all the major north sea contractors and you will see a surge in turnover from late 2006 onwards - Fact.

The higher the oil price goes the more economical it is to develop marginal fields / increase productivity from partially depleted fields. Even with todays technology its only possible to recover about 30 - 40% of a fields hydrocarbon reserves and thats where the challenge lies to get the other 60-70% out. We are going back to old fields that had been mothballed because the technology / economic climate is such now that we can make these fields work again. It would surprise most to know that the UK has more oil reserves than Kuwait! (Note reserves are not the same as production!!)

If you like googleing, google Oilexco and their activities in the north sea (Shelly / Huntington (Forties again) in the last few years) and come back and tell me that there is no 'new' oil. They are a great example of the new entrants and their exploration activities. Huge reserves lie untapped West of Shetland but its more expensive to get at and the current tax regime does nothing to promote growth. Thats the reason for a decline in production, not lack of oil. The relaxation of taxes for new entrants to the NS has to some extent overcome this and in a few years the major operators will be leaving and smaller operators taking over their assets.

I remember reading a text book in school (which was probably older than I was!) that claimed oil would run out in 10 years. That was around 15 years ago. An operators stated design life for a field isn't the same as the actual life of the field, it tends to refer to the design life of the asset thats developing it (and the platforms that were installed in the seventies are still going strong following several life extension programmes and upgrades). What was hard to see back then was that as the cost of oil increased, the economical life of the field would increase and that would drive new technology. This continues to be the case.

What is this 1962 development you're referring to?

Of course its a finite resource, and of course it will run out. However that won't be in my or your lifetime. These oil price scares we have at the moment help drive development of non fossil energy supplies which in time will reduce demand. The oil price should be a reflection of demand and how hard it is to obtain. Currently that is not the case. Even for the most arduous (NS) fields it costs about $40 a barrel to extract / refine/ deliver to the pump. The rest of the price is driven by demand and profiteering.

I think its safe to say you are somewhat of a doom monger, and I suspect that there is little point in having a reasonable debate with you but I assure you this is not mess room gossip. (We don't have a mess room ;) )It might seem painful but try reading some of the less pessimistic views on oil production then balance that against the pessimistic ones. Can I ask what you base your opinions on? Mine are based on my observations from years in the industry, reading industry journals and publications and the wider media.

Well that was a big long post but, alas, you are missing the point.

We need CHEAP oil - not $200 per barrel. That's no use to us, we can't afford to use it.

Secondly, we use 87 million barrels of oil every day (and rising). Even at its peak Nth Sea oil only ever managed 3 million barrels a day and is now below a million. It's not even worth talking about is it? One million as part of eighty seven million.

As oil gets harder to extract and the old wells run dry there will be a massive shortfall - and the price will go through the roof.

Remember, this has only just begun and already in just 8 years the pricve has gone from $30 to $140 per barrel.

I don't think pointing a few facts out is 'doom-mongering' do you?
No major finds have been located since 1962 - even with new technology - because there isn't any.
Joe - You have lost all credibility.
Where on earth did you get the 1962 date from. You are hopelessly Wrong.
Ekofisk, which was the FIRST oil find in the Norwegian Sector of the North Sea was announced to the world on 28 October 1969. At this stage the enormity of the discovery was not known. It was in 1970 after delineation bores had been drilled that the size of this find was determined. SO I am afraid your 1962 date is plain ridiculous.
When exploration of the Norwegian Sector of the North Sea was underway, a chief geologist of a leading oil company famously stated that 'He would personally Drink all of the Oil that would ever be found in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea because simply there isn't any.' How wrong could that guy be when the Ekofisk formation is still producing Oil at several hundred thousand Barrels per day 40 years after its discovery. Maybe you don't class this as a Major Discovery, I certainly do. It has paid my wages for the last 40 years.
This geologist wasn't your Dad was it Joe, or maybe it was even You. The famous geologist talked as much twaddle as you seem to!
It might have paid your wages but what proportion of the 87 million barrels per day are you talking about?

I know a farmer with a few cows - but he doesn't feed the world. :rolleyes:
It might have paid your wages but what proportion of the 87 million barrels per day are you talking about?

I know a farmer with a few cows - but he doesn't feed the world. :rolleyes:

As usual Joe, you miss the point. and try to deflect the argument
My wages is not the issue, Your 1962 quotation is the point.
The point is that oil discoveries peaked around 1962 -64. But that is all academic as it's long in the past. For every 6 barrels of oil we use today - we find just one to replace it. Err hello!!!!! Houston!!!
Even for the most arduous (NS) fields it costs about $40 a barrel to extract / refine/ deliver to the pump.

quote] slow joe

We need CHEAP oil - not $200 per barrel. That's no use to us, we can't afford to use it.

Remember, this has only just begun and already in just 8 years the pricve has gone from $30 to $140 per barrel.

Joe you don't appear to be able to read informed posts
You tell me when the price of oil is coming down then. (he won't).
The point is that oil discoveries peaked around 1962 -64. But that is all academic as it's long in the past. For every 6 barrels of oil we use today - we find just one to replace it. Err hello!!!!! Houston!!!

Joe - that is not what you said. What you sad was that there had not been any Major Oil discoveries since 1962, which is clearly WRONG !
We use 87 million barrels of oil per day. A major find should keep the world going for at least a year. Therefore, 87 million x 365 = 31755 million barrels.

Now give me its name.

It's all academic anyway, it's way in the past.
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