Old Conservatives don't understand

“Private landlords are individuals or companies who offer private rented accommodation on the open market”

Is a housing association a company? A= yes
Is housing association the private sector? A = yes
Is housing association a private landlord A = yes

Oh dear poor NWGS reduced to falsifying links oh dear oh dear

What false link ? Denso meant I’d edited your name to “Gobshite”

Try a Google search yourself.
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Housing associations are private landlords ya muppet

local councils = public ownership
Housing associations = private ownership

It’s not my fault you interpreted it to mean individuals rather than businesses.

I await your apology.
Don't hold your breath
Private landlords don’t make money out of maintenance FACT
Don't they?

Do you do it for charity? Well done, I never for 1 minute thought you rented houses out at a cost to yourself.

I am impressed, and change my thoughts about you.

Unless of course you mean you do it to make money and increase the value of your asset
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I might have missed this but WTF? No council house is getting an average of £46k a year.
According to a link denso provided. They do. No doubt the cost goes up because of all the useless employees that have to have meetings about the cost and check the 30 year nonsense plan.
Is a housing association a private landlord or is it publicly owned by the state.

What do you mean you don’t make money on maintenance?

You have costs:
letting agency fees

You have income:
and potentially gain in asset value

The difference between the 2 is profit, you can’t prove to me you don’t make profit on the maintenance.

I guess you don’t know much about business or council houses. Oh dear.

Good grief you think a potential gain in asset value is profit and question someone’s knowledge of business? :LOL:
Housing associations are private landlords ya muppet

local councils = public ownership
Housing associations = private ownership

It’s not my fault you interpreted it to mean individuals rather than businesses.

I await your apology.

Housing associations are public bodies. Courts have said so.
I’ve already shown how councils can build new houses sell them under right to buy and have enough money to repeat the process.

That sounds interesting. Could you please link me the posts so I don't have to read the whole thread?
Happy to summarise. According to industry data a new build costing around £139k including all costs has a value of around £320k when finished.

So I can build a house rent it out at below market rates and then sell it to the renter after say 5 years giving him a 96k discount under right to buy having generated enough capital and income to build 2 more even allowing for the cost increases between project A and project B.

As a council I am also in control of the planing process and exempt from many of the taxes corporations pay.
I thought the rule of thumb was a third for land, a third for build and a third for profit.

I had a little bit of experience of working with a housing association many years ago. Before LSVTs. Their build costs always seemed really high but I never got a straight answer as to why.
130% is the going rate.

Unfortunately, the public sector try to be clever and put profit and margin controls into contracts or so called open book models.

It’s a piece of p** to structure a corporate body and fill it full of affiliate service providers to apply costs and channel the excess through the sister company.

It was rife in public private partnerships.
our council about 5 years back on land they already owned put 4 1 bed flats on it modular building at a cost of £632k so build cost 158k each
Also converted some lock up garages in blocks into 1 bedroom flats at a cost of over 100k each absolute pishtake no brown envelopes changing hands there
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