Old Conservatives don't understand

So what. Kind of ironic that Councils are forced to sell properties at up to 70% off and end up renting them back at full price because they have a housing shortage. Madness...
yep but i dont know how many flats they rented back .
And there are other reasons that need to be addressed about who is now on those waiting lists and why some people get preferential treatment above others
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yep but i dont know how many flats they rented back .

40% of Right to Buy properties are now private lets, at roughly double the social rent. Most are getting housing benefit. So, the government is now paying out billions extra to cover the full market rental price of properties, which councils had already lost billions giving discounts on.
This thread is a perfect example of right wing grifters twisting themselves inside out trying to prove black is white


Are all home owners and landlords, they 100% believe that owning a property is best financially
And theyve also spent the last 20 or so pages trying to argue that it’s bad for council to own property financially.
This thread is a perfect example of right wing grifters twisting themselves inside out trying to prove black is white


Are all home owners and landlords, they 100% believe that owning a property is best financially
And theyve also spent the last 20 or so pages trying to argue that it’s bad for council to own property financially.
bumping your gums yet again quote me ! . Now this is about the 6th time i have asked you with no response whatsoever from you . Yet again making things up in that tiny mind of yours
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really what you think labour voters are that easily bought . 50% of council housing stock sold in my town and it returned a labour council ever since the late 70`s

Was the 50% of council stock a substantial amount of the overall housing, or conflating 2 different things

Look at Wellingborough for example as somewhere that's been in the news lately
This thread is a perfect example of right wing grifters twisting themselves inside out trying to prove black is white


Are all home owners and landlords, they 100% believe that owning a property is best financially
And theyve also spent the last 20 or so pages trying to argue that it’s bad for council to own property financially.
And they initially tried to tell us it was time consuming and non profit making and no asset value increase using other peoples money.
your talking in the main about RTB homes that have been sold off years down the line possibly several times as people have moved on
If those houses had still been council owned look how many other tenants could have used them, at much less expense to our councils than has been the case
yep but i dont know how many flats they rented back .
And there are other reasons that need to be addressed about who is now on those waiting lists and why some people get preferential treatment above others
2 + 2 = 5
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