I always understood "new other" as items that haven't been used before, but are outside the norms for "new" products. That would include "damaged packaging" or "not in original packaging" but also situations like "old stock" or "bulk items split by seller".
Quite possibly. There are obviously also 'consumer rights', even when there is no explicit Warranty, but I think they probably relate to the seller, rather than the manufacturer (and may well exclude 'private sellers',, however that may be defined.
We're again back to that question of how one defines a "private seller" (or "private buyer"), in a manner which distinguishes between them, and wholesalers and retailers ....
.... if definitions did not make that distinction then, in the situation we're talking about (and assuming that wholesaler/retailer did not 'register the Warranty' in their name), a corresponding statement could presumably be made about a legitimate wholesaler, who had bought an item from a manufacturer and then sold it to a retailer, or a retailer who had bought it from a wholesaler and then sold it to an end-user - in both cases one would hope that the end-use would still benefit from the retailer's Warranty.
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