One for FWL - Quantum Physics

Electrons are matter!?!

So the flow of electricity is a flow of matter???

I'm sure I've heard somewhere that electrons only flow on the surface of a conductor, is this why? because the particles cannot pass through other matter???

Sorry for the (probably daft) questions???

Or am I barking up the wrong tree, again :oops: !!!
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mildmanneredjanitor said:
Electrons are matter!?!

So the flow of electricity is a flow of matter???

I'm sure I've heard somewhere that electrons only flow on the surface of a conductor, is this why? because the particles cannot pass through other matter???

Sorry for the (probably daft) questions???

Or am I barking up the wrong tree, again :oops: !!!

Woof Woof :D

Electrons are matter, the reason they (Valence electrons) cannot flow through an atom is because they do not possess the requisite energy to move into the electron cloud, this would Ionise the atom.

Electron flow, with respect to electricity, is the flow of electric charge from one atom to another caused by movement of the valence electrons. These electrons have little energy and as such are very contrained in their motion, they are forced to effectively flow over the outer shell of the atomic lattice of the material they in, this is why electricity appears to flow over the outer layer of a conductor.
FWL_Engineer said:
This force also has a weaker brother, the Weak Nuclear Force, this operates over longer distances and it is this force that binds Electrons to atomic nuclei.

Thanks FWL for a good summary.

I must differ with you on the Weak nuclear force. As I understand it, it is the electromagnetic force that binds electrons to the atomic nucleus (specifically protons within the nucleus).

The Weak nuclear force is produced by changes that occur in particles that make up protons and neutrons (quarks) that cause for example the production of a proton and the emission of a beta particle when a neutron decays.

Whilst electromagnetic forces and weak nuclear forces have been unified at the atomic level, I'm not too sure that gravity and strong nuclear forces have been.

Any thoughts about this?
waran said:
I must differ with you on the Weak nuclear force. As I understand it, it is the electromagnetic force that binds electrons to the atomic nucleus (specifically protons within the nucleus).

The Weak nuclear force is produced by changes that occur in particles that make up protons and neutrons (quarks) that cause for example the production of a proton and the emission of a beta particle when a neutron decays.

Whilst electromagnetic forces and weak nuclear forces have been unified at the atomic level, I'm not too sure that gravity and strong nuclear forces have been.

Any thoughts about this?

I think you are misunderstanding the physics.

The Strong, Weak and Magnetic forces are all manifestations of the same force that binds the universe together at different levels and ranges, they are all ELECTROMAGNETIC forces. The theory that the motion and interaction of quarks at the sub-atomic level are responsible for the creation of these forces is very compelling, although unproven except mathematically. It is certainly intriging and would actually allow the forces to be unified under one theory and set of equations should it be proven.

Regarding Gravity, the jury is still out on it. Some believe Gravity to be the result of a particle, the Graviton, however this has never been proved. There are researchers who disagree with this thinking as they KNOW gravity acts as a wave, and there is no evidence to support the particle argument. They postulate that the Strong and weak magnetic forces are the smaller brothers of Magetism and Gravity, as the four have very similar modus operandi.

It is believed by some that Gravity is the bigger brother of the weak Nuclear force, whilst Magnetism is the bigger brother of the Strong Nuclear force.

Except for circumstantial evidence there is no hard evidence indicating which train of thought is correct.

Personally I favour the latter idea, it does help explain a lot of what we see in the cosmos, and in time the forces may be reconciled to a common progenitor.
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Out of curiosity, what is your field FWL?

I quite like science myself, and you appear to be well-educated and a font of all knowledge... in that respect, it is about time we had more people like you who know the answers...
sterose said:
Out of curiosity, what is your field FWL?

I quite like science myself, and you appear to be well-educated and a font of all knowledge... in that respect, it is about time we had more people like you who know the answers...

Boring ****e as a teenager to be honest. Got into Astronomy at 8, started reading books, got bored with those ones so started to read Nuclear Physics books so I could understand how stars work.

I then started to read everything I could that may have some bearing on astronomy/astro-physics.

I have an OU Honours Degree in Astronomy, I did that for me.

I have written articles for Astronomy Magazines, reviewed Astronomy Software for both Science Mags and Computer Mags, here and in the US.

I have written a theory to explain the Earth's magnetic field, including the reason it flips every so often, although I'm having a hard time getting it looked at as I am outside the research community.

As a teenager I predicted rings around Uranus and Neptune, both proved accurate, I have made other Astronomical predictions which have later turned out to be accurate, rediscovered a Comet in 1988 and rediscovered a Star that was once believed to be a fault in the optics of a telescope.

Currently I am working on several projects, one to make a shed load of money, one to do something I cannot discuss here for security reasons, I am rewriting the Earth's Magnetic field theory to ensure it gets read by someone in the right branch of research. I am also working on a theory that, if true, will alter our understanding of the Universe, however doing this is dependent on brushing up my Quantum Mechanics and overcoming a certain person's theory and a head in the sand attitude by many researchers.

Before you ask, I sleep about 4 hours every night, normally 2am to 6am or 3 am to 7 am depending on what my plans are, and Yes I am no shocker there!!

In case your wondering whyn I'm an Electrical Engineer, stupidity when I left school. I was too busy doing things and hanging about playing cricket to go to school and get my exam results..the school make a balls up that year so we had to get them a result a job I had arranged went by the own daft fault.
FWL_Engineer said:
I have written a theory to explain the Earth's magnetic field, including the reason it flips every so often.

And here's hoping that doesn't happen again very soon, although I know that on a geological timescale the signs are all there for an imminent event.
My wifes flips every so often, is this connected???

Something about 'are you gonna be on that bl##dy computer all night again?!?'

Is this Bi polar? :D
securespark said:
I've got rings around my a*us, FWL, care to study those?? :LOL:

Thanks for the offer, but I will pass, perhaps breezer wants to play :D
Wow, a bit of an off the wall conversation for a DIY forum. I am wondering where mildmannered is going to work particle physics (and quantum physics) into his new pricing policy!

I must say though, I am biting my lip and trying so hard not to be a pedant. There are a few niggling points that mean I am feeling what I can only imagine to be the emotion felt by FWL when someone recommends 9.999mm2 cable instead of 10mm2! Yes, these points are that small and niggling.

I am impressed at how many physicists we obviously have in here. I can't imagine many people study physics for fun, I have spent the last 6 years being mocked by Geologists for my choice of vocation (as if rocks are cooler than spaceships and nukes!).
AdamW said:
I have spent the last 6 years being mocked by Geologists for my choice of vocation (as if rocks are cooler than spaceships and nukes!).

Excuse me, that is wholly uncalled for and you must put a stop to it immediately. Geologists have the shear gall to mock a true science..hethan bar stewards :D

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