One for FWL - Quantum Physics

ban-all-sheds said:
And how has a post entitled quantum physics, (originally containing a question about particle physics however), come to be discussing Newtonian Motion? Is there a Unified Digression Theory to explain it? ;)

Ban, in 8 years using BB's on the net I will admit that is one of the best comments I have seen..nice one :D
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The easiest way to understand how a centrifuge works is to put yourself in the test tube, your head pointing towards the hub and your feet in the bottom of the tube.

Now, imagine that it is whirling around. What you will experience (other than severe nausea) is the bottom of the test-tube pushing up against your feet. This will feel to you like the effects of gravity. So, just as more dense material will sink to the bottom in a fish tank, the same will happen in a centrifuge.

The "g" forces you get in a centrifuge are obviously much higher than 1g as a 1g centrifuge would be pointless.

Now, as ban points out we are working on physics in reverse here, quantum to particle to mechanics. Thus I propose that we now discuss how the world is flat, how if you sail too far west you fall off, and how witches must be made of wood as they float.

Hmmmm, sounds a bit like a George Dubbyah foreign policy... ;)
Just administer a gentle nudge .... then watch the subject veer off its original path !!

Who let the dogs out ?

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mildmanneredjanitor said:
pipme said:
Just administer a gentle nudge .... then watch the subject veer off its original path !!

Now, are you talking about forces, this thread or both???? :LOL:

Mild, sounds to me like your trying to be bi-polar and confuse the issue at hand....What was the issue again??? :D:D
securespark said:
severe nausea? is that all!!??!!

Well, above 5 or 6 g for a couple of seconds you would black out. Unless you are wearing a g-suit. Not what gangsta rappers wear, I mean the inflatable suits and boots worn by fast jet pilots. If you were doing a headstand you would red out.

Reminds me of going on one of those fairground rides where you stand in the big centrifuge and they drop the floor away. I reckon those things were invented by the Spanish inquisition for getting confessions out of people, worst thing ever.
Last time I tried to climb inside a centrifuge, my fellow lab technician couldn't close the lid, so that experiment went right down the pan....
securespark said:
Last time I tried to climb inside a centrifuge, my fellow lab technician couldn't close the lid, so that experiment went right down the pan....

Best go on a diet then mate :D
AdamW said:
The easiest way to understand how a centrifuge works is to put yourself in the test tube, your head pointing towards the hub and your feet in the bottom of the tube.
Is this how they invented the "test tube baby" ? :LOL:
Walked into that one...ouch!!

That was the reason I was climbing into the centrifuge in the first place.

Liposuction by high-speed rotation.....

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