John, and scousespark,even if I could somehow talk myself into IET membership, I certainly don't see why they would/should even consider nominating 'little me' for membership of JPEL/64 - I certainly have no experience of working in roles or industries which would be of interest to them. It's really a possibility which would only exist in fantasy!
Exactly the point that I've been making to stillp. No matter what I may know, or what input I may theoretically be able to offer, it's almost farcical to suggest that there is any reason why they should take any notice of my opinion.I doubt the the JPEL would really want to consider opinions from diyers, when writing the regs. They would be inundated and would have no idea what qualifiactions/experince the diyer.
Of course, as stillp has indicated, BS0 obliges the BSI to undertake a public consultation, and theoretically also requires them to consider all comments (no matter who from) unless they are "offensive or vexatious comments or those that reflect a campaign on the part of a vested interest". However, as I wrote to stillp, and as you imply, I really do doubt that, in practice, they would give more than a few moments 'consideration', if that, (i.e. 'lip service') to comments received from members of the public ('diyers' or whatever) whom they had no reason to believe/know had any knowledge, qualifications, experience or expertise in the field in question.
For once, I think that we are totally agreed
Kind Regards, John
Having been on "the other end" of the consultation process, I can assure you that every comment, no matter what its origin, as long as it is correctly presented, is considered and discussed. A response is recorded against each comment. What's important is the 'quality' of the comment, rather than who made it. The author of the comments wouldn't normally be visble to the committee anyway. What is important is that comments are constructive and clearly presented. We sometimes see comments that are not understandable, or where we can't see which text of the draft the comment refers to. Those are likely to be rejected, whoever wrote them.
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