The way I feel about it all, is why the hell should I work my nuts off to give Abdul from Pakistan, Usuf from Somalia and Ranjit from India a better life? Is it what our ancestors were working towards when they were making massive sacrifices, weathering the tough times, working 6 days a week for pennies and dying in wars?
Many who come here don't share the same work ethic as us, and apart from taxi driving seem to have little in he way of skills, motivation or enterprise that The UK will need as we enter very difficult times. Look at the state of their war-torn, backward, corrupt, disease ridden countries. This is how they live, they will bring some of this to us (TB is on the increase in many areas of The Uk populated by recently arrived immigrants), but from us, they will take all they can. Whilst many of them detest us, and plot our downfall.
The trouble is, many of these immigrants entered The UK during the 'good times', we couldn't really afford to carry millions of asylum seekers then, and now that things are tighter, we certainly don't need unproductive mouths to feed. The UK is almost bankrupt, and still we cram them in, changing forever whole towns and cities as well as our way of life. A bit now, but its going to get worse all the time.
I've been told on here, and maybe in the pub too, that my views are racist. Two things; firstly, I didn't have these views before my country was invaded, and secondly, I don't give a damn.
Rant over!