Panorama - The Smart Meter mess

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A dumb meter cannot know or report when you consumed the energy.

Overall the national grid can monitor when tw*ts who watch brainless soaps switch their kettles on, but non-smart meters can't actually tell what appliances are being used at any particular time throughout the day/night...

And I do have to note that nosenothing et al havn't answered a couple of very simple questions...


"Do you agree that the technology exists to allow individual pricing - yes or no?"

"Are you stating that individual pricing will never happen - yes or no?"

One can only surmise that the truthful answers they refuse to put forward would blow their argument in favour of their beloved smart metered power supplies out of their expensively heated water!
'Forced'? No reason not to willingly accept one, unless you are one of the 'cooking foil hat brigade'. Way past the time when they ought to have mandated smart meters for everyone.

Which basically means, paying full rate/no discount for off-peak use, unless a Smart Meter is fitted. You know it makes sense, or ought to...
Wind your neck in Harry ...

We get it, you're a smart meter fan boy. Doesn't mean everyone has to be.
:LOL: oh wait you're serious.

"...In 2022, as the cost of living crisis took hold, magistrates approved more than 1,000 warrants a day. Almost all of these claims are now authorised electronically or over the phone, by specific magistrates courts allocated to each energy company...."

Keep squirming boyo. Meanwhile.....
You are no more likely to be cut off or switched to pre-payment with a smart meter than you are with an analogue meter. Stick that in your bilge pipe.
It shows I was correct again. OFGEM doing their job.

Your love-in with denso aside...

When are you going to answer a couple of simple questions...

"Do you agree that the technology exists to allow individual pricing - yes or no?"

"Are you stating that individual pricing will never happen - yes or no?"

What do you have to hide by not answering?

The truth perchance!
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