Panorama - The Smart Meter mess

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Your love-in with denso aside...

When are you going to answer a couple of simple questions...

"Do you agree that the technology exists to allow individual pricing - yes or no?"

"Are you stating that individual pricing will never happen - yes or no?"

What do you have to hide by not answering?

The truth perchance!
Post #237 (y)
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But in the case of SMs there does seem to be more than anecdotal evidence that around 10% are not working properly.

The 'not working properly' for the most part, is a problem of them being unable to communicate readings, to the supplier, rather than no readings or wrong readings, and/or IHD's not being able to communicate to the meter. There again, if they cannot communicate, then they cannot be remotely switched off, or to PAYGO..
Wind your neck in Harry ...

We get it, you're a smart meter fan boy.

No, I'm just a rational, logical customer, who takes little notice of the likes of 'conspiracy theories', likes to shop around and pay no more than he has to for things.

You just carry on, paying more for your energy - it helps considerably to reduce my own bills - thanks!

"...In 2022, as the cost of living crisis took hold, magistrates approved more than 1,000 warrants a day. Almost all of these claims are now authorised electronically or over the phone, by specific magistrates courts allocated to each energy company...."

Keep squirming boyo. Meanwhile.....

Funny you don’t quote your source. Is it because it also says offgem banned the practice. Stupid dial turned up to 11, I see.
Maybe go back and read the scoping letter also provided in my post and conveniently ignored

Probably most of those claims are a result of analogues switching.
At least do some research boyo. (y)
Getting bored of proving you wrong.
Funny you don’t quote your source.
Would you like me to?
I didn't want to compound your ignorance.

The processes that lead to being cut off or switched, regards SM vs analogue, continues to remain EXACTLY the same. You are no more likely to be cut off or switched with either meter. Stick that in your bilge pipe.
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