Panorama - The Smart Meter mess

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Can you show the figures for switches and disconnections with sm and dumb meters?
MBK conveniently posted a link to a compensation scheme....
...which he mistakenly thought showed claims arising solely from remote meter switching. Turns out that most of the claims are for wrongful installation of pre-payment meters, arising from force fitting of meters whereby entry was gained into the properties via court sanctioned warrants.

There were over a million of these granted. And there was poor old MBK thinking it was all remote switching, lol. He even bragged about the numbers.

Stick those numbers in yer bilge pipe, dummies.

You are no more likely to have your supply cut off or be switched to pre-payment metering with either a SM or an analogue meter. FACT.
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MBK also mocked a poster (Denso) here....
:LOL: oh wait you're serious.
..when in fact what Denso said was true....

"...In 2022, as the cost of living crisis took hold, magistrates approved more than 1,000 warrants a day. Almost all of these claims are now authorised electronically or over the phone, by specific magistrates courts allocated to each energy company.

Energy company agents apply by telephone and send in large spreadsheets with between 100 and 1000 cases, where customers are told they do have the right to contest the warrant, but many do not respond. The hearings will sign off, issue and send all the electronic warrants in "a maximum of 15 minutes"

The court system earns a per case fee from the arrangement, an important source of income after a decade when funding for the judicial system has been cut back substantially.

One magistrate, and former Justice of the Peace, stepped down last August after being left unable to check vulnerable people were being protected when a warrant for a prepayment meter was sought.

Robin Cantrill-Fenwick told BBC Newsnight changes to the court system meant magistrates "were doing nothing more than rubber stamping" warrants.

He said the lack of scrutiny is putting vulnerable households at risk...."

All of the above cases, hundred of thousands of them, were all to do with forced entry (court sanctioned) analogue meter switching. They were handing out warrants like sweets.... READ MORE.

Fair enough to MBK, he also showed that SM's were being remotely switched also, but did not show a prevalence over analogue meters being replaced by court sanctioned entry. In fact, he displayed quite the opposite.

You are no more likely to have your supply cut off or switched to pre-pay with a either a SM or an analogue meter.
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You understand that most court orders are electronic or did you think they sit in a court with a quill and parchment?


We keep tradition alive oop north, laddo.:D
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MBK conveniently posted a link to a compensation scheme....

...which he mistakenly thought showed claims arising solely from remote meter switching. Turns out that most of the claims are for wrongful installation of pre-payment meters, arising from force fitting of meters whereby entry was gained into the properties via court sanctioned warrants.

There were over a million of these granted. And there was poor old MBK thinking it was all remote switching, lol. He even bragged about the numbers.

Stick those numbers in yer bilge pipe, dummies.

You are no more likely to have your supply cut off or be switched to pre-payment metering with either a SM or an analogue meter. FACT.
Still ignoring the letter and the scope of the review.

Let me guess it’s irrelevant waffle from the regulator :LOL:
Perhaps you’d like to start

Not a single piece of evidence posted to back up your claim.
Lol. I'm sure folk look at you, ellal, troll gas and troll nwgs and smile.

Which would you like to dispute first? This....
MBK also mocked a poster (Denso) here....

..when in fact what Denso said was true....

"...In 2022, as the cost of living crisis took hold, magistrates approved more than 1,000 warrants a day. Almost all of these claims are now authorised electronically or over the phone, by specific magistrates courts allocated to each energy company.

Energy company agents apply by telephone and send in large spreadsheets with between 100 and 1000 cases, where customers are told they do have the right to contest the warrant, but many do not respond. The hearings will sign off, issue and send all the electronic warrants in "a maximum of 15 minutes"

The court system earns a per case fee from the arrangement, an important source of income after a decade when funding for the judicial system has been cut back substantially.

One magistrate, and former Justice of the Peace, stepped down last August after being left unable to check vulnerable people were being protected when a warrant for a prepayment meter was sought.

Robin Cantrill-Fenwick told BBC Newsnight changes to the court system meant magistrates "were doing nothing more than rubber stamping" warrants.

He said the lack of scrutiny is putting vulnerable households at risk...."

All of the above cases, hundred of thousands of them, were all to do with forced entry (court sanctioned) analogue meter switching. They were handing out warrants like sweets.... READ MORE.

Fair enough to MBK, he also showed that SM's were being remotely switched also, but did not show a prevalence over analogue meters being replaced by court sanctioned entry. In fact, he displayed quite the opposite.

You are no more likely to have your supply cut off or switched to pre-pay with a either a SM or an analogue meter.
or this....
MBK conveniently posted a link to a compensation scheme....

...which he mistakenly thought showed claims arising solely from remote meter switching. Turns out that most of the claims are for wrongful installation of pre-payment meters, arising from force fitting of meters whereby entry was gained into the properties via court sanctioned warrants.

There were over a million of these granted. And there was poor old MBK thinking it was all remote switching, lol. He even bragged about the numbers.

Stick those numbers in yer bilge pipe, dummies.

You are no more likely to have your supply cut off or be switched to pre-payment metering with either a SM or an analogue meter. FACT.
Or this....
They haven't nor did they have the authority to (completely) ban it, nor did they want to (completely).

One thing I will say about you MBK, your unwavering willingness to humiliate yourself, is admirable.
You can usually tell whether you have a smart prepayment meter or a conventional one by whether there is a slot for inserting a card/key. Conventional meters will have a slot, whist smart meters won't.

That from British Gas. Can't say that I have seen a payment slot on either of my meters.

If a supplier want to fit or change to prepayment now a number of considerations have to be included.
If you have a prepayment meter, you'll need to buy credit for your meter from a top-up point - often a local shop or Post Office. Your energy supplier will give you a top-up card or key.

If you find it hard to get to a top-up point - for example, if you’d have to travel a long way - you could get a smart meter with a prepayment setting.

If you have a smart meter in prepayment setting, you can:

  • top up using your top-up card or key
  • top up online or through an app on your mobile phone
If you top up online, you should still keep your card or key in case you need to use it - for example, if the app isn't working.
Of course, there is some element of control, or bribe would be more accurate - a bribe, to encourage you to consume, when the energy is more plentiful, and deter your use, when there is less available. Isn't that how most supply and demand works?
Isn't that the principle of white meters?
If you have a smart meter in prepayment setting, you can:
I was more interested in if all electrics smart meters can be switched to prepayment remotely. I'm not so sure they all can be. One comment from the web

How do I know if I have a smart prepayment meter?
One way to tell for definite is to look at your electricity meter. If the serial number on the meter starts with '19P' then it is a first-generation or SMETS1 smart meter. If the serial number starts with '19M' then it is a second-generation or SMETS2 smart meter.
I was more interested in if all electrics smart meters can be switched to prepayment remotely. I'm not so sure they all can be. One comment from the web

How do I know if I have a smart prepayment meter?
One way to tell for definite is to look at your electricity meter. If the serial number on the meter starts with '19P' then it is a first-generation or SMETS1 smart meter. If the serial number starts with '19M' then it is a second-generation or SMETS2 smart meter.
Be lucky to get a working one full stop . When they say there is 4 million not working thats at present you could prob treble it at least at the ones that have broke and been repaired or replaced
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