If I knew the answer to that then I wouldn't be sitting here!
It sure as hell is not knee-jerk reaction (which almost certainly won't affect the lunatics/fanatics) - with the exception of the acting swiftly against 'returning fanatics.
It has to be more focussed and targeted against the lunatics.
To take the points the posting from 'Johnmelad's, you wouldn't have stopped Hitler by persecuting all Germans - you could only have stopped Hitler by taking him out of the equation.
The problem with being in any silent majority is that as a lone individual you feel powerless to stop what you see as being wrong.
What support do you think the average German citizen would have received were they to have stood in the street and publically said that they disapproved of Hitler?
What has to be done is to create a climate where the lunatics have nowhere to hide.
Isolate and excise the evil b*stards.
It sure as hell is not knee-jerk reaction (which almost certainly won't affect the lunatics/fanatics) - with the exception of the acting swiftly against 'returning fanatics.
It has to be more focussed and targeted against the lunatics.
To take the points the posting from 'Johnmelad's, you wouldn't have stopped Hitler by persecuting all Germans - you could only have stopped Hitler by taking him out of the equation.
The problem with being in any silent majority is that as a lone individual you feel powerless to stop what you see as being wrong.
What support do you think the average German citizen would have received were they to have stood in the street and publically said that they disapproved of Hitler?
What has to be done is to create a climate where the lunatics have nowhere to hide.
Isolate and excise the evil b*stards.