What is your objection to multiculturalism
Where are the hordes of people carrying placards
I take it you mean Muslims and as a protest? Why should they. it has nothing to do with them. Similarly when the IRA set a bomb off you wouldn't expect hordes of Catholics carrying banners.
You aren't doing anything except typing nonsense on a diy forum.
As a matter of interest which political group would you most identify with. Ukip, bnp, edl, britain first or another one
The problem with being in any silent majority is that as a lone individual you feel powerless to stop what you see as being wrong.
Why not band together and show us all what the really feel. Individual journalists and others (under threat of death) are prepared to step up to the line and condemn what is happening.
There is nothing to stop them from peaceful demonstrations with placards condemning the minority.
There is a lot of merit in a considered reaction.Does anyone here see merit in a more considered reaction in order to isolate extremists rather than play into their hands?
Publicity benefits the terrorists. Unfortunately the media will always make the most of the situation when it would be better to not give publicity to the terrorists and the search for them. The internet also allows the news to be spread and makes it impossible for the security services to keep the media silent.
React against the known and obvious terrorists. That is essential to prevent them continuing to terrorise innocent civilians.
But avoid reacting against those innocent and non radical people who happen to share the same religion or ethic origins as the in-humane terrorists.
If you were a young Muslim and read this sort of thread would you be more or less likely to feel alienated and aggressive?