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There is a lot of gun violence in the USA, would you stop them coming here? What is your proposed solution? Send them all back?

Stop them coming or send them back, which is it?

I would stop lot's of them coming here. We have millions of ill educated intolerant 'chavs' (or whatever you want to call them this week).

Got any good reasons to import more when we can't, or are not dealing with the ones we already have?

Once they are here, then treat them as equal citizens (even more reason to be more selective).

Two practical choices:

1) Drive a wedge between Muslim extremists and the rest of society

2) Drive a wedge between all Muslims and the rest of society

For what it worth I'm going for (1)


But also stop or heavily restrict all immigration from countries with high levels of terror and any form of sharia law, (and not just muslims, but anyone from any ****hole like North Korea, Africa, India).

You can't let in people from ****holes and then act suprised they act ****.
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Martin and Gerry use to condemn ira attacks and then behind the scenes its business as usual. Nothing new. :rolleyes:

So you want them to condemn the radicals but when they do you're not happy with that either?

Strange that despite their differences these two managed to get along - maybe it take's real balls to meet your enemy rather than slag them off

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That's correct. Never trust a terrorist.

Big Ian was in it for the money. Nice big salary at Stormont and gold plated pension.
Same as them all.
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What about the wedge(s) they are driving between society?

Only they hold the key to unlock the problem, unfortunately the majority of them throughout Europe are keeping very quiet on the subject.

Well to be honest, the majority of the posts on here are not exactly talking about cohesion and fostering an atmosphere where moderates feel confident in expressing any opinion.

I've seen plenty of Muslims on TV and on the web condemning the Paris killings.

But we've been playing softly, softly so far. All that's been achieved is fostering an atmosphere where radicals feel confident in expressing an opinion. In the most bloody of ways.

I've heard all this stuff about them on tv saying that they condemn the attacks. Same sort of thing happened after 9/11 and 7/7. The truth is that this means nothing. The attacks are growing rapidly in number.

The so called peaceful majority aren't keeping things under control. It's the massive covert security operations in Western Europe that have prevented dozens of attacks in recent years. There are people walking around now who are only alive thanks to the vigilance and hard work of the security services. But they can't prevent all outrages, as has been seen. The problem keeps growing, and they can't keep a lid on it for ever.
But we've been playing softly, softly so far. All that's been achieved is fostering an atmosphere where radicals feel confident in expressing an opinion. In the most bloody of ways.

No 'we' haven't - a group of (doubtless well intentioned) politicians have let the situation go to far. As I've said many times we need to foster an atmosphere which says you are free to follow your beliefs whichever faith you choose to follow provided that you play by the rules of the country in which you live. We have freedom to worship and express views that may upset some people - that's the law and custom of the UK.

If you cannot live by the rules i.e. you incite violence and preach intolerance then we will come down on you like a ton of bricks.

I've heard all this stuff about them on tv saying that they condemn the attacks. Same sort of thing happened after 9/11 and 7/7. The truth is that this means nothing

You want them to condemn the fanatics and when they do it means nothing?

The so called peaceful majority aren't keeping things under control. It's the massive covert security operations in Western Europe that have prevented dozens of attacks in recent years. There are people walking around now who are only alive thanks to the vigilance and hard work of the security services. But they can't prevent all outrages, as has been seen. The problem keeps growing, and they can't keep a lid on it for ever.

I would suggest that the majority are peaceful.

I also agree that it's a nightmare security job and we have no idea of the true scale.

So back to the two choices, go after the lunatics or go after everybody
What a surprise. One of the terrorists who attacked the French magazine was mentored at Finsbury Park mosque. The same one where old hook hand was spouting hatred against the West, whilst the libertards handled him with kid gloves while he lived in comfort in a £1m taxpayer sponsored house with full benefits.

No wonder the Yanks despair at The UK's ability to turn out ROP terrorists and trouble makers. It took The US justice system to administer proper justice to hook Hamza - where the spineless Brit authorities dodged the issue.
so what you want to do alienates all 1.6 UK Muslims.

I think the religion that is Islam alienates these people. Why on earth do they want to live in a predominantly Christian country, when they declare us to be enemies of Islam?
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What a surprise. One of the terrorists who attacked the French magazine was mentored at Finsbury Park mosque.

Even bigger surprise - he wasn't!

Try to get the facts right!

Although as I've previously said, I agree Hamza should have been dealt long before he was.

Thankfully he's now wearing an orange suit for the rest of his life (and if my understanding's right that actually means life)
Stop them coming or send them back, which is it?

I'd stop them coming, for one thing. The country's full up anyway.
Then I'd 'send back' any who preach hatred and who walk about with placards threatening to live by/bring in sharia law or take over the country. Any who have gone to fight for IS do not get back in - end of story.

As for where we 'send them back', in my opinion if they don't like living in Britain they can go to live in the so-called IS state as well.
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