Park Assault

I know, right.
Saw the headline and wondered wtf goes on in their minds.
At that age i was climbing trees, falling out of 'em, and nesting for eggs.
Ah, a low level criminal. ;)

But you might predate 1981.
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Ah, a low level criminal. ;)

But you might predate 1981.

Moi aussi.

Direct your indignation against cat owners though, first and foremost (y)
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Ah, a low level criminal. ;)

But you might predate 1981.

That would be the fine summer of '75 and the golden summer of '76 when egg collecting was a-buzz in our band of scruffs. A tricky business, and risky in climbing to get at some of 'em - thought i'd found me a magpie nest and climbed about twenty feet through dense branches only to find two chicks looking at me expecting a snack. So surprised, i lost my grip and bounced halfway down before hanging on with my feet. Cost me a broken arm that one. Always hold 'em up to the light and feel the weight to see if they're addled. If i'd seen sparrowhawk back in t'day i'd be sorely tempted but i'm far too old for such things now. Honest guv' :whistle:

If anyone had suggested anything remotely like those kids we'd consider them mentally ill...and make sure an adult heard about it.
That would be the fine summer of '75 and the golden summer of '76 when egg collecting was a-buzz in our band of scruffs. A tricky business, and risky in climbing to get at some of 'em - thought i'd found me a magpie nest and climbed about twenty feet through dense branches only to find two chicks looking at me expecting a snack. So surprised, i lost my grip and bounced halfway down before hanging on with my feet. Cost me a broken arm that one. Always hold 'em up to the light and feel the weight to see if they're addled. If i'd seen sparrowhawk back in t'day i'd be sorely tempted but i'm far too old for such things now. Honest guv' :whistle:

If anyone had suggested anything remotely like those kids we'd consider them mentally ill...and make sure an adult heard about it.

I was more of a scrumper, and a knock-and-runner.

Ours was a very clean canal - honest! - so, it was a great source of kiddly entertainment: fishing, swimming and, in the "proper" winters that we had back then, sliding on the ice.

Kept us all fit and active, with cracking tans :cool:
I was more of a scrumper, and a knock-and-runner.

Ours was a very clean canal - honest! - so, it was a great source of kiddly entertainment: fishing, swimming and, in the "proper" winters that we had back then, sliding on the ice.

Kept us all fit and active, with cracking tans :cool:
Ah, the simple pleasure of scrumpin' apples at this time o' year - i still enjoy a secret scrump of roadside fruit, but the days of stealin' in to the farmer's orchard are long past. It irritates me to see how many folk walk past blackberry bushes without a second glance. I mean, it's right there - why wouldn't you? Mind you, in my old stomping ground the farmer had a big dog with many teeth and he gave chase one time...had to run along the wall and Gaz didn't make it - falling off into a thick pile of brambles. My sympathetic laughter drifting by as i scurried past. They say an apple always tastes better when you grow 'em but nothing beats the sweet taste of a scrumpy apple.
Leicestershire police are reporting themselves to the Independent Office of Police Conduct.

Must have had previous contact, I would imagine.

The victim had previously contacted police to complain of anti social behaviour by local youngsters.
It's because liberal hand-wringers are now in charge, constantly spouting bs about 'lessons to be learned'. Thick as mince! :rolleyes:

If there were proper police preventing the small crimes, the perpetrators will be far less inclined to commit the big, serious ones. Rudolph Giuliani understood this.
You'll recall that Theresa May cut police numbers by 20,000

And claimed that police numbers had no effect on crime.

Interesting to see that Regan thinks the Tories were Liberal hand-wringers.
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