Park Assault

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It's because liberal hand-wringers are now in charge, constantly spouting bs about 'lessons to be learned'. Thick as mince! :rolleyes:

If there were proper police preventing the small crimes, the perpetrators will be far less inclined to commit the big, serious ones. Rudolph Giuliani understood this.
If it was a race hate motivated crime, they perpetrators will have been 'radicalised' by their parents.
So thanks to the parents, there is now one murdered old man and some young kids facing serious criminal charges.
If it was a race hate motivated crime, they perpetrators will have been 'radicalised' by their parents.
So thanks to the parents, there is now one murdered old man and some young kids facing serious criminal charges.

Made up nonsense, you can have no idea, what caused these kids to behave in this way.
It's because liberal hand-wringers are now in charge, constantly spouting bs about 'lessons to be learned'.

If there were proper police preventing the small crimes, the perpetrators will be far less inclined to commit the big, serious ones.
What a load of bollax.
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I read the others had been released but a 14-year old lad had been charged - His daughter found him 'neath a tree complaining he couldn't move his legs: repeated kicks to the back and head would do that to a man. Radicalised or not, there must be a racial motivation to do that.
Made up nonsense, you can have no idea, what caused these kids to behave in this way.
He had dark skin and possibly a tinge or accent to his voice. That's usually enough for right wing rioters and their offspring. Not too long ago the RWR morons were stopping cars, on the lookout for anyone 'foreign looking'.
He had dark skin and possibly a tinge or accent to his voice. That's usually enough for right wing rioters and their offspring. Not too long ago the RWR morons were stopping cars, on the lookout for anyone 'foreign looking'.

As I understand it, there is no news of the suspected attackers ethnicity.
The victim had an Indian - sounding name, if I heard R5L correctly.

Yes, but the attackers is not known.

The victim apparently reported this group of children to the police, for anti social behaviour, so this could well be a grudge attack.
What a load of bollax.

Yes, thank you Knob The Builder for that in depth analysis.

Though I think many New Yorkers would disagree with you. I see you deliberately omitted Giuliani's name from your quote of my post, as proof that you really are aware that tackling minor crimes brings a dramatic fall in crimes of all types and levels.
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Imagine the uproar from certain people if this had happened just outside a 'carnival area'...

Ban all kids in parks because of what may be a random racial attack?

After all, there was a big outcry when a white girl was murdered in a park recently!

Interestingly a 14 year old in the US accused of a school shooting can be named and tried as an adult...

Should the same apply here?
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