Peaceful anti racism protests dwarf far right

28 Jul 2018
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United Kingdom
I was reassured a bit by the UK population yesterday. Massive turnout to counter the far right and as far as I know little to no violence. Even when the far right were outnumbered 100-1.

Edit: for those who haven't seen this image the far right protestors are within the police cordon on the far right of the photo. Which is appropriate.
Do we think this is the end of the Farage Riots?
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Good to see the majority are sensible people.

Don't think it's the end yet, but I'm sure a few have seen some swift justice and having some sleepless nights wondering when it's their turn to be hauled into court and probably won't be doing any more rioting

I'm sure a few of the die hards will still try to have a go
The ones being arrested and sentenced are mostly repeat offenders.

What I want to make really clear is those we’ve arrested aren’t protestors, patriots or decent citizens. They’re thugs and criminals. Around 70% have previous convictions for weapon possession, violence, drugs and other serious offences. Some have football banning orders. These are violent people taking to the streets under the guise of protest to engage in disorder.

Which makes sense, if they've been through the system before they'll know to plead out and the police will recognise them and be able to track them down.

My bet is we'll probably see more people without previous convictions coming down the pipe over the next few months.
Do we think this is the end of the Farage Riots?
Indeed, it's a good thing that decent people came out to confront the racists in such numbers...

Peacefully and without the thuggery of garbage's stormtroopers...

One wonders though, did the police have to provide new underwear and tissues for those sheepish looking racists? :LOL:

As for will it end?

garbage is hoping that as Tom Robinson sang, "It's gonna be a long hot summer"...

Or maybe he's hoping for a 'winter of '24'

It's so sad that what the TRB album was written about is still relevant over 40 years later!
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Good to know the Right Wing Racists don't own our streets.

"Huge UK anti-racist rallies held as far-right protests fail to materialise​

Thousands gather to protect locations thought to be targets for violence"

Good to know the Right Wing Racists don't own our streets.
The problem is that the racists and RW nutters are pervading the internet and social media with their sick lies...

And people like garbage are stoking the flames for their own interests!
Causation is an interesting concept, did Far rage cause the riots, or did his rhetoric encourage hatred of immigrants, and indeed all people of colour.; it seems to have resulted in hate becoming part of mainstream politics.
Laws designed to counter misinformation are “not fit for purpose” and must be revisited after the spread of online falsehoods contributed to this month’s far-right riots, says Sadiq Khan, adding, ministers should act “very, very quickly” to review the Online Safety Act after the violent unrest in England and Belfast over the past week. There have been calls to hasten the act’s implementation. @ The Guardian

He must've been reading the Gantish posted by Man-of-Gas and the all round weirdness by the Right Wangers in the forum, today. :mrgreen:
Liberals condeming those who villify protesters against the slaughter of 6 year old children. Fcked up priorities or what?

Hang your heads in shame.
this comment needs analysing
are you suggesting one single person thinks murdering a child is correct ??
or are you trying to say one action should be taken as how you interoperate it as rioters are against the evils off others when in fact the evil is there act against other innocent people who are horrified at the evil committed ??
the random actions off rioters can never ever be justified as a reaction to the action off others and yes the rioters should hang there heads in shame as an unprovoked evil act against the innocent

appologies iff i have misunderstood your thoughts or comments and misrepresented what you ment ??
off course fully my thoughts and opinions that may off course be wrong
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The riots are by Right Wing Racists who hate foreigners, Muslims, immigrants, and a peaceful and law-abiding society.

They were just looking for an excuse to vomit up their hatred and violence.

They even swapped false stories to whip up hatred and goad each other.

Regan is complaining that people criticise the actions of a violent mob.
Good to know the Right Wing Racists don't own our streets.

"Huge UK anti-racist rallies held as far-right protests fail to materialise​

Thousands gather to protect locations thought to be targets for violence"

View attachment 351619
I can't help noticing the absence of smashed shops, turned- over cars and burning buildings.
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