Peaceful anti racism protests dwarf far right

The riots are by Right Wing Racists who hate foreigners, Muslims, immigrants, and a peaceful and law-abiding society.

They were just looking for an excuse to vomit up their hatred and violence.

They even swapped false stories to whip up hatred and goad each other.

Regan is complaining that people criticise the actions of a violent mob.
Meanwhile you have the likes of Forrige, Hopkins, Musk, Braverman and The Wail etc, encouraging the morons to commit arson and domestic terrorism, whilst they sit back and cheer. RWR scum.

Yesterdays' peaceful protests were a welcome antidote to their bile.
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Nigel Farage, leader of right-wing populist party Reform U.K — who critics accused of handing fuel to the rioters last week by asking questions about the background of the Southport suspect — continued to accuse police of treating rival groups unfairly.

A 55-year-old woman has been arrested in relation to a social media post containing inaccurate information about the identity of the suspect in the Southport murders. The woman, from near Chester, was arrested on Thursday on suspicion of publishing written material to stir up racial hatred and false communications. She is being held in custody by Cheshire police. “It’s a stark reminder of the dangers of posting information on social media platforms without checking the accuracy. It also acts as a warning that we are all accountable for our actions, whether that be online or in person.”

The misinformation about the attacker, saying he was an illegal asylum seeker who'd arrived by boat, was spread on Telegram, and repeated by Farage with insinuations about his background - maybe the police should have a quiet word with him, too.
Liberals condeming those who villify protesters against the slaughter of 6 year old children. Fcked up priorities or what?

Hang your heads in shame.
They weren't protesting against those sad deaths, they were taking the opportunity to burn asylum seekers alive.
Ministers will keep the Online Safety Act under review, a government minister has said, after the London mayor called it “not fit for purpose” in light of the spread of misinformation, which he said contributed to this month’s far-right riots. Appearing on BBC Radio 4’s Today Programme, Nick Thomas-Symonds, the paymaster general, said Sadiq Khan raised a “legitimate policy challenge” when he told the Guardian there needed to be amendments to the Online Safety Act.

“But irrespective of that policy debate, people who are acting now doing illegal things online like inciting violence, encouraging violence, organising violence, that is against the law now, and if you are doing that now, just as if you are engaging in threats or violent disorders on our streets, the police will come after you. They will also come after you if you are behaving like that online as well,” he said.

On the responsibility of social media platforms to help tackle the spread of falsehoods online, Khan said: “If they don’t sort their own house out, regulation is coming.”
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I have noticed how the ethnic minorities that have been interviewed, have all seemed like perfectly normal, polite, hard working English people that just want t get one with their life

There is a Sikh family living a few doors down from me, the husband is a really nice guy, a senior IT engineer involved in infrastructure.....hardly the goat herder R&C likes to claim
Liberals condeming those who villify protesters against the slaughter of 6 year old children. Fcked up priorities or what?

Hang your heads in shame.
As Axel was born and brought up in Cardiff, perhaps the protesters should be blaming the Welsh???
They weren't protesting against those sad deaths, they were taking the opportunity to burn asylum seekers alive.
As I've said many times, bigoted people will exploit any hook on which to hang their prejudice.
The definition of bigotry cites an irrational or unreasonable belief.
Those suffering from bigotry are desperate for something tangible to justify their irrational or unreasonable beliefs.

Although some, like regandandcarter, doesn't even have the intelligence to try and justify his racism, It's just bare, vitriolic racism.
He closes his eyes and ears to any possibility to counter his unreasonable and irrational ideology.
As I've said many times, bigoted people will exploit any hook on which to hang their prejudice.
The definition of bigotry cites an irrational or unreasonable belief.
Those suffering from bigotry are desperate for something tangible to justify their irrational or unreasonable beliefs.

Although some, like regandandcarter, doesn't even have the intelligence to try and justify his racism, It's just bare, vitriolic racism.
He closes his eyes and ears to any possibility to counter his unreasonable and irrational ideology.
To be fair he saw the light on brexhit...
I have noticed how the ethnic minorities that have been interviewed, have all seemed like perfectly normal, polite, hard working English people that just want t get one with their life

There is a Sikh family living a few doors down from me, the husband is a really nice guy, a senior IT engineer involved in infrastructure.....hardly the goat herder R&C likes to claim
Who would have thought, most people who aren't white are perfectly nice law abiding citizens ...

Of course as you touch on, this doesn't suit the narrative that some want to promote. White people = good, everyone else not so much is the mentality of some.
To be fair he saw the light on brexhit...
Yes, he admitted he believed the lies, and stupidly voted for Brexit.
He even accepted some responsibility for Brexit.
I wonder if he'll ever do the same for his vitriolic hatred for ethnic minorities fomenting social division, which has been partly responsible for the recent riotous events.
It's no secret I stupidly voted for Brexit, believing the lies we were told. I bitterly regret it and realise I carry some responsibility. ...
I doubt he'll ever change his mind about his irrational and unreasonable bigotry.
His vitriolic racism was taught to him from the cradle by his parents and peers. Whereas, Brexit was a political football for just a few years.
There is a Sikh family living a few doors down from me, the husband is a really nice guy, a senior IT engineer involved in infrastructure...
Its all lies, infrastructure engineers are all malicious ogres whose sole purpose in life is to guard their precious resources from the people who need them.
Who would have thought, most people who aren't white are perfectly nice law abiding citizens ...

Of course as you touch on, this doesn't suit the narrative that some want to promote. White people = good, everyone else not so much is the mentality of some.
It's only some.

But it is too many.

Most are the easily led type too
It's only some.

But it is too many.

Most are the easily led type too
I'm sure they're all true to their convictions and never eat foreign food from restaurants owned/staffed by black/brown foreign people.

I'm sure they never buy any goods/products/services from companies owned by black/brown people.

I'm sure if they ever end up needing medical assistance, they will outright refuse to accept it if the medical professional is a black/brown foreign person.

Yes, I'm sure ... ;)
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