People who don't vote should shut up about politics

If you don't vote you can't criticise.
Using that argument conny,I don't play football but enjoy watching it does that not allow me to voice an opinion on who I think is good or crap at the game.

Can your support help your team win then?

the CORRECT analogy would be, if you were a player of the team (someone who can make a difference to the a voter can) and you refused to play, should you then be allowed to complain if your team loses.
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I, like a lot of you who do vote, am getting a little sick of these idiots that keep going on about how crap the country is and what they would do about it and then say "I don't vote anyway".

if you don't vote, you are saying 'it doesn't matter what i think' ....if it doesn't matter what you think, don't vocalise it.

Rant over.

Does the same flawed logic apply to people who vote for minority parties when they have no chance of being elected.
As if voting is going to make any kind of difference as to which gang of lying, self serving cheats we end up with.
For instance I don't remember the labour party telling us that they planned to flood the country with immigrants before any of the last few elections. Or when we had a referendum for the "common market" no one mentioned it was going to become a united states of europe. So how can people make an informed choice when they are not informed by the untrustworthy politicians as to what they are voting for.

That's the problem, we can't trust them. Brown proved that when he lied (again), on the Constitutional Treaty Referendum,,,, he said we didn't need one,, only because he knew it would have been a massive "NO" vote.
I, like a lot of you who do vote, am getting a little sick of these idiots that keep going on about how crap the country is and what they would do about it and then say "I don't vote anyway".

if you don't vote, you are saying 'it doesn't matter what i think' ....if it doesn't matter what you think, don't vocalise it.

Rant over.

Does the same flawed logic apply to people who vote for minority parties when they have no chance of being elected.
As if voting is going to make any kind of difference as to which gang of lying, self serving cheats we end up with.
For instance I don't remember the labour party telling us that they planned to flood the country with immigrants before any of the last few elections. Or when we had a referendum for the "common market" no one mentioned it was going to become a united states of europe. So how can people make an informed choice when they are not informed by the untrustworthy politicians as to what they are voting for.

Each vote counts, eachy seat counts, whether they are in power overall or not, is not the issue. If you vote for a small party, if they win a seat they get more funding meaning they can stand in more seats next time.

If you think they are all crap, then stand yourself. Some people want everything their own way but can't be arsed to put any effort in.
I, like a lot of you who do vote, am getting a little sick of these idiots that keep going on about how crap the country is and what they would do about it and then say "I don't vote anyway".

if you don't vote, you are saying 'it doesn't matter what i think' ....if it doesn't matter what you think, don't vocalise it.

Rant over.
What a load of b*llocks...

It's my democratic right to vote or not, and anyone saying otherwise is denying that right... ;)

Who's denying your right? I'm just saying in my opinion anyone as stupid as to not voting should not complain when something doesn't go their own way.
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Hypothetical scenario:

Labour win an election by 20,000 votes and gain power.

That night up and down the country there are a total of 21,000 Tory voters who didn't bother to vote.
If they had voted the their party would have won.
If you don't vote you can't criticise.
The problem is that under fptp that hypothetical scenario would never exist.

If we had PR, then possibly the OP could have a point...only a small point mind, because although every vote would count (as opposed to now when only a few areas decide the result), we should still have a right to turn our backs on the system!

Even with fptp every vote counts...just on a smaller scale.
If in one area your party loses by 100 votes...if a hundred and one people 'whose votes don't count' voted the other way, they would win that area.
I, like a lot of you who do vote, am getting a little sick of these idiots that keep going on about how crap the country is and what they would do about it and then say "I don't vote anyway".

if you don't vote, you are saying 'it doesn't matter what i think' ....if it doesn't matter what you think, don't vocalise it.

Rant over.
What a load of b*llocks...

It's my democratic right to vote or not, and anyone saying otherwise is denying that right... ;)

Who's denying your right? I'm just saying in my opinion anyone as stupid as to not voting should not complain when something doesn't go their own way.

Millions of people who vote, wanted action taken over the corrupt way these people were using/stealing taxpayers money. No action was taken against these thieves,, it didn't go the way that voters wanted, justice was not seen to be done, some/all of these "criminals" got away with it. Many potential voters are now complaining that it's not worth voting if nothing is going to change. Can you blame them?
Here's a nice little amusing story that ties in well with this thread.
Whenever there was an election both my grandparents would trundle down to the polling station and one would always vote conservative whilst the other voted labour.
Then on one occasion when the weather was really bad grandad said to grandma I don't think we'll bother voting this time!
Of course it never ever really mattered because they always imediatly cancelled out each others votes anyway.
:D :) :D
Even with fptp every vote counts...just on a smaller scale.
If in one area your party loses by 100 votes...if a hundred and one people 'whose votes don't count' voted the other way, they would win that area.
How naive... :LOL:
If you think they are all crap, then stand yourself. Some people want everything their own way but can't be a***d to put any effort in.

How much is the deposit again.......idiot.
Thats like saying stupid people who have'nt got a belief, should'nt talk about religion:cool:

Not quite, because religion affects everyone, not just those that believe ;)
Thats an over generalization, religion certainly does not affect me, I am completely indifferent to it, for those who believe, ok that up to them, but please don't assume on my behalf, that it affects me, I can make my own mind up.

if i dont want to vote i wont and if i want to moan i will so kiss my ass and get off your high horse !!!!
if i dont want to vote i wont and if i want to moan i will so kiss my ass and get off your high horse !!!!

You're not in a position of authority so don't tell me what to do! I'll stay on my horse if I want! Yaa boo sucks! :p :LOL: :LOL:
What do you do regards voting then AND voicing your political bent if you thing ALL available politicians are egotistical, self centered, nest feathering, back slapping, narcissistic, self important, ignorant twits?

Until i come across a political party that is totally altruistic i will continue not voting and will talk about politics whenever and wherever i damn well please.
Can your support help your team win then?
Many a manager says the supporters are their twelfth man and help them to win.
the CORRECT analogy would be,
I'll decide what anology I choose.

...of course, while you choose what analogy you use, if it is a false analogy it still is a false analogy.

When a manager says the supporters are their twelth man, they are not saying they are just as valuable as a player on the pitch...i think you know this too ;)
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