please dont cry foul when you lose an argument

Slogger said:
sure i like indian food i am liking most foods but where is this leading to as for obvious respect for india ?

Well, I hope that you don't like eating out for your Indian... over 90% of the "Indian" restaurants in this country are owned and run by Bangladeshi muslims. If you don't believe me, next time you are in your local Indian, just casually ask the waiter "I hope you don't mind me asking, but you're not Bengali by any chance?"

I'm not telling you this so you will be deprived of your curry fix out of conviction to your cause, I would not wish a curry-famine on any man. :eek: But I just hope you can see that there are plenty of British muslims who are perfectly happy and content with Britain the way it is now, or even in decades past. You are sitting in their restaurant, drinking alcohol and they are exhibiting no desire whatsoever to convert you or kill you.

You might argue "But I'm paying to be there, they just want my money!!!" And I would say that is true, like any other British business. If they hated this country and despised our way of life, surely they would not be living in every single town and almost every village in this country, purveying their fine foods and offering a degree of service and hospitality that quite frankly you never see in "English" restaurants (and me, speaking as someone who has served in an English restaurant! :LOL: )

If you do see this as something to boycott, Patak's are Hindu-owned, so you can always make one at home :LOL: But it doesn't taste the same now, does it?
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Apologies then, i was mistaking your words they WOULD HAVE TO FIGHT as being conscripted as opposed to voluntary.
i do know pakistanis run indian shops as per my post on refugee gangs and blackmail as one of my customers had this happen to him by a gang of fugees from afghanistan

i make my own curries not out of spite its just i dont trust restaurants to be clean i have seen some seriously bad kitchens

most immagrants here are financial refugees we know that what we need to make sure about is there loyalty ISLAM is not to be trusted now for me at least but you go ahead trust away

make sure you read the news when the next atrocity happens
kendor said:
Apologies then, i was mistaking your words they WOULD HAVE TO FIGHT as being conscripted as opposed to voluntary.

No i meant had to fight--in the British forces because the muslim parts of India at that time dint have their own forces as far as i know the muslim states were what is now known as Pakistan and Bangledesh
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There does seem to be more stability in united nations as opposed to breakaway ie Soviet Union, India of old etc
does this suggest we should love our fellow man or ostricise him for his beliefs?
AdamW said:
Slogger said:
sure i like indian food i am liking most foods but where is this leading to as for obvious respect for india ?

Well, I hope that you don't like eating out for your Indian... over 90% of the "Indian" restaurants in this country are owned and run by Bangladeshi muslims. If you don't believe me, next time you are in your local Indian, just casually ask the waiter "I hope you don't mind me asking, but you're not Bengali by any chance?"

I'm not telling you this so you will be deprived of your curry fix out of conviction to your cause, I would not wish a curry-famine on any man. :eek: But I just hope you can see that there are plenty of British muslims who are perfectly happy and content with Britain the way it is now, or even in decades past. You are sitting in their restaurant, drinking alcohol and they are exhibiting no desire whatsoever to convert you or kill you.

You might argue "But I'm paying to be there, they just want my money!!!" And I would say that is true, like any other British business. If they hated this country and despised our way of life, surely they would not be living in every single town and almost every village in this country, purveying their fine foods and offering a degree of service and hospitality that quite frankly you never see in "English" restaurants (and me, speaking as someone who has served in an English restaurant! :LOL: )

If you do see this as something to boycott, Patak's are Hindu-owned, so you can always make one at home :LOL: But it doesn't taste the same now, does it?

I think Patak's are very good Adam and are very close to a half descent curry.

I thought that woman was a Sikh, but there you go

Slogger is correct on the hygene in a lot of these places you refer too and that is the reason why i dont buy from them any more, also the quality of the ingridients is dodgy as well and i am not being alamist here as i have experienced a lot of it myself.

As regards killing a few western pigs---i have already said a resturant /takaway would be a better place to get the numbers up than a bomb and you could still get away before you are rumbled
kendor said:
There does seem to be more stability in united nations as opposed to breakaway ie Soviet Union, India of old etc
does this suggest we should love our fellow man or ostricise him for his beliefs?

I think the problem could have been nipped in the bud by other muslim countries years ago but they decided to ignore or were too frightened and now you have this almighty mess.
Freddie said:
kendor said:
There does seem to be more stability in united nations as opposed to breakaway ie Soviet Union, India of old etc
does this suggest we should love our fellow man or ostricise him for his beliefs?

I think the problem could have been nipped in the bud by other muslim countries years ago but they decided to ignore or were too frightened and now you have this almighty mess.
I'm not so sure it was ignoring more a case of not wanting to interfere. but i believe the west getting involved doesn't help as they are tightly knit in respect of brotherhood and look upon the west as trying to break up this "honour amongst brothers".
why try to twist my words ? you had my answers m8 and i would never bemean the loss of anyone that fought for our country

where have i ever said anything against anyone that served the allied forces you word twister you now about the respect thing i care nothing what you think of me i care about my country

wtf is the bit about me belonging in the gutter ? getting personal again stop that ok cant you argue your points without resorting to personal attacks

i havnt twisted your words at all slogger. Ive followed through your warped logical reasoning for defining what a uk citizen is. Ive asked two simple questions which youve been unable to answer.

You cant have it all ways
ban-all-sheds said:
Thermo said:
i havnt twisted your words at all slogger. Ive followed through your warped logical reasoning for defining what a uk citizen is. Ive asked two simple questions which youve been unable to answer.

[Moderator - message deleted]

Ban, may I draw your attention to rule No 8.

8 ) Abuse directed towards other forum members will not be tolerated. any such post will be removed with no warning

I reckon your post about slogger is against the spirit of the above rule, as it is a personal comment about another member. It is made worse by the fact that you were not involved in this thread until this post. It is, therefore completely unwarranted and you owe him an apology.

Just because you find his comments illogical doesn't mean you are right.

Now lets see if the MOD's play fair and remove your post. Failure to do this would just convince me their really is a clique on this board.
Anything that is "non compliant" will be edited / removed without prior notice. e.g. dangerous, illegal, racist etc

hmm i suppose that will be the reason why heres a clique....or is it an appreciation of commomn human decency.
Thermo said:
Anything that is "non compliant" will be edited / removed without prior notice. e.g. dangerous, illegal, racist etc

hmm i suppose that will be the reason why heres a clique....or is it an appreciation of commomn human decency.

OK Thermo--Slogga might be a pain--he may get on somebodies nerves but if he breaks the forum rules thats for the mods to sort out

It doesnt help and some may call it baiting that every time he posts someone slams in a completely negative reply which sends the whole topic off down the same route time and time again and Slogga ends up getting the blame

I am not stupid a backside yes but i can see what i think is going on and i dare say others can aswell.

If we dont like somebodies view as long as he hasnt broken the rules then as far as i know he has the right to express that view and the same applies to all.
Freddie said:
Thermo said:
Anything that is "non compliant" will be edited / removed without prior notice. e.g. dangerous, illegal, racist etc

hmm i suppose that will be the reason why heres a clique....or is it an appreciation of commomn human decency.

OK Thermo--Slogga might be a pain--he may get on somebodies nerves but if he breaks the forum rules thats for the mods to sort out

It doesnt help and some may call it baiting that every time he posts someone slams in a completely negative reply which sends the whole topic off down the same route time and time again and Slogga ends up getting the blame

I am not stupid a backside yes but i can see what i think is going on and i dare say others can aswell.

If we dont like somebodies view as long as he hasnt broken the rules then as far as i know he has the right to express that view and the same applies to all.

Well said Freddie! ;)
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