Slogger said:sure i like indian food i am liking most foods but where is this leading to as for obvious respect for india ?
Well, I hope that you don't like eating out for your Indian... over 90% of the "Indian" restaurants in this country are owned and run by Bangladeshi muslims. If you don't believe me, next time you are in your local Indian, just casually ask the waiter "I hope you don't mind me asking, but you're not Bengali by any chance?"
I'm not telling you this so you will be deprived of your curry fix out of conviction to your cause, I would not wish a curry-famine on any man.
You might argue "But I'm paying to be there, they just want my money!!!" And I would say that is true, like any other British business. If they hated this country and despised our way of life, surely they would not be living in every single town and almost every village in this country, purveying their fine foods and offering a degree of service and hospitality that quite frankly you never see in "English" restaurants (and me, speaking as someone who has served in an English restaurant!
If you do see this as something to boycott, Patak's are Hindu-owned, so you can always make one at home